Üç Kamu Üniversite Hastanesinde GerçekleLtirilen Kardiyoloji ve Kalp Damar Cerrahisi gLlemlerinde Paket Fiyat Uygulamalar n n De?erlendirilmesi

Amaç: Ankara ilindeki üç kamu üniversite hastanesinde 2012 y l içinde Kardiyoloji ve Kardiyovasküler Cerrahi (KVC) kliniklerinde yap lan paket iLlemlerin de?erlendirilmesi amaçlanm Lt r. Gereç ve Yöntem: Hastanelerin Kardiyoloji ve KVC Kliniklerinde 2012 y l içinde yap lan 12998 adet paket iLlemin kay tlar retrospektif olarak incelendi. gnceleme sonras araLt rmaya A hastanesi KVC için 705, Kardiyoloji için 2719, B hastanesi KVC için 335, Kardiyoloji için 1005 ve C hastanesi KVC için 321, Kardiyoloji için 2556 adet iLlem dahil edilmiLtir. Bulgular: A hastanesi Kardiyoloji iLlemlerinin %65,3'ünde paket aL m oldu?u ve ortalama zarar n -353,9 TL oldu?u, KVC iLlemlerinin %61,5'inde paket aL m oldu?u ve ortalama zarar n -651,7 TL oldu?u, B hastanesi Kardiyoloji iLlemlerinin %25,4'ünde paket aL m oldu?u ve ortalama kâr n 34,1 TL oldu?u, KVC iLlemlerinin %31,3'ünde paket aL m oldu?u ve ortalama kâr n 434,0 TL oldu?u, C hastanesi Kardiyoloji iLlemlerinin %43,2'sinnde paket aL m oldu?u ve ortalama zarar n -119,9 TL oldu?u, KVC iLlemlerinin %41,7'sinde paket aL m oldu?u ve ortalama kâr n 764,6 TL oldu?u görülmüLtür. Sonuç: Üç kamu üniversite hastanesinde gerçekleLtirilen k rk üç farkl Kardiyoloji ve KVC iLleminin on dördünde tahakkuk zarar oluLtu?u ve bu sebeple bu iLlemler için paket fiyatlar n n yeterli olmad ? ifade edilebilir. Öte yandan KVC iLlemlerinde tahakkuk kâr oluLturan sekiz iLlem için paket fiyatlar n n yeterli oldu?u anlaL ld . Sonuç olarak, Sa?l k Uygulama Tebli?i'nin iki listesi ( hizmet baL na ödeme listesi ve tan ya dayal iLlem listesi) aras nda fiyat bak m ndan korelasyon olmad ? öngörülebilir

Assessment of Package Price Applications in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Operations in Three Public University Hospitals

Objective: The assessment of package operations held in 2012, in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (CVS) clinics of three public university hospitals in Ankara was aimed. Material and Method:The data of 12988 package operations held in 2012, in Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery (CVS) clinics of the hospitals were investigated retrospevtively. After investigation, 705 CVS and 2719 Cardiology package operations of A Hospital, 335 CVS and 1005 Cardiology package operations of B Hospital and 321 CVS and 2556 Cardiology package operations of C Hospital were included in this research. Results: It was observed that 65,3% of Cardiology operations of A hospital was out of package and average loss was -353,9 TL, 61,5% of CVS operations of A Hospital was out of package and average loss was -651,7 TL, 25,4% of Cardiology operations of B Hospital was out of package and average profit was 34,1 TL, 31,3% of CVS operations of B Hospital was out of package and average profit was 434,0 TL, 43,2% of Cardiology operations of C Hospital was out of package and average loss was -119,9 TL, 41,7% of CVS operations of C Hospital was out of package and average profit was 764,6 TL. Conclusion: It can be stated that there were accural losses in fourteen of fortythree different Cardiology and CVS operations held in three public hospitals and the package prices therefore weren't sufficient for those fourtythree operations. On the other hand, it was observed that the package prices were sufficient for eight CVS operations in which accrud profit ensured. As a consequence; it can be forseen that there is no correlation between the two lists of Health Application Services, Payment List Per Service and Operations List Based on Diagnosis, in terms of prices.
