A Summative Evaluation of the Second Level Adult Education Programme in the Context of Adult Basic Education1

A Summative Evaluation of the Second Level Adult Education Programme in the Context of Adult Basic Education1

Adult illiteracy is one of the major problems of adult education field in Turkey. MoNE organizes courses under the name “Adult Literacy Teaching and Basic Education Programme” for those who lack compulsory initial education totally or partially in Turkey. “Adult Literacy Teaching and Basic Education Programme” consists of two sub-programmes. One of these two sub-programmes is the First Level Adult Literacy and Basic Education Programme aims acquisition of literacy and basic life skills. The Second Level Adult Education Programme (YİKEP), which is a follow up of the first sub-programme, is organized in order to bring to the adults, who gained literacy skills, knowledge, skills and attitudes which are equal to primary education diplomas. In the content of this study The Second Level Adult Education Programme (YİKEP) which is one of the sub-programmes of “Adult Literacy Teaching and Basic Education Programme” is handled. In this context, The Second Level Adult Education Programme (YİKEP) has been evaluated holistically, problems have been stated and suggestions to the problems have been developed in the context of adult basic education. In the content of this study, it has seen that YİKEP which is an important component of adult basic education has an important potential in providing adults’ lack of basic education, but at the same time it has been found that YİKEP’s current structure and function has some serious obstacles in mobilizing this potential. Also in the content of the study, it has been seen that YİKEP courses comprises mostly women, and since schooling of current population has increased illiteracy concentrates on elder ages. Another important point found in the content of the study is that the course teachers are employed without getting any instruction about the specific aspects of adult education


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Ankara Üniversitesi Eğitim Bilimleri Fakültesi Dergisi-Cover
  • ISSN: 1301-3718
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 3 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 1968