A Lesson Practice Concept Including Student-Centered Approach for Foreign Language Teaching Departments

A Lesson Practice Concept Including Student-Centered Approach for Foreign Language Teaching Departments

We will handle a lesson practice including a student-centered approach in our paper. This practice (application), which improves both the traditional teacher attitudes and the ordinary position of students in class, constitutes an interactional lesson model. This model involves three stages: Pre-Lesson (before the class), Lesson (during the class) and Post- Lesson (after the class). All stages of practice are performed by both the teacher and the student. The student gets involved in the lesson plan and undertakes a responsibility by gaining awareness at the first stage. This strengthens the mutual reliance between the student and the teacher. Through this stage, which includes preparing a presentation by the student, the processes of internal motivation, investigation, reading and learning by himself/herself become active. Through the second stage; that is the lesson stage, the student motivates the whole class with his/her responsibility and motivation; increases his/her knowledge by teaching to the others and expresses himself/herself in a microsocial setting. At the third and final stage; that is the post-lesson stage, the student can evaluate himself/herself, which gives a feeling of self-confidence about how much he/she has learnt in this presentation, and a feeling of satisfaction about the activity, which will affect his/her grades at the end of the term.


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