Hastalık açıklama modeli ve çare arama davranışı

Bu çalışmanın amacı Malatya'da ruhsal sorunları açıklama ve çare arama davranışlarının genel niteliklerini araştırmaktır. Yöntem: Örneklem psikiyatri polikliniğine ilk kez başvuran psikiyatri hastalarından oluşturuldu. Ruhsal bozukluklar tanısı DSM-IV kriterlerine dayandırılarak konuldu. Hastaların demografik verilerini, hastalığı açıklama modellerini ve çare arama süreçlerini değerlendirmek için kısa bir anket üzerine temellendirilmiş yarı yapılandırılmış görüşmeler yapıldı. Sonuçlar: Değerlendirilen 154 hastanın %27.3'ü erkek (n=42) ve %72.7'si kadındı (n=112). Hastaların ortalama yaşları 31.571.06 idi. İlk kez başvuran hastaların %62.98'-inde somatik, %30.06 anksiyete ve %19.48'inde depresif yakınmalar vardı. Hastaların %28.06'sına anksiyete bozuklukları, %24'üne depresif bozukluk ve %47.4'üne somatoform bozukluk tanısı kondu. Erkeklerde depresif yakınmalar anlamlı derecede yüksekti (p

Ilness explanatory model and help-seeking behaviour

In this study we aimed to investigate the general aspects of help seeking behaviour and the explaination of psychological problems in Malatya. Method: Subjects were selected from patients while their first applyings to the psychiatric outpatient clinic. Diagnoses of mental disorders were made according to DSM-IV criteria. A semi-structured interview based on a short questionnaire was conducted to assessment of patient's demographic data, explanatory model and help-seeking behaviour. Results: 27.3 % (n=42) of the 154 patients were male and 72.7% (n=112) were female. The mean age of the patients were 31.5711.06. It was found that %62.98 of the patients had somatic, 30.06% of them had anxiety, and 19.48% of them had depressive complainings as a primary symptom. 28.6% of the patients met the criteria of anxiety disorder, 24% major depressive disorder and 47.4% somatoform disorder. The relationship between depressive symptoms and male sex was found to be statistically significant (p<0.01). As a result of this, depressive disorder was found to be at a higher rate in male sex. Among other parameters there were no statistically significance between male and female sex characters. 12.3% had gone to traditional healers, 32.5% had visited medical doctors and 32.5% of patient had visited psychiatrists for the present illness. 42.9% of the patients told family troubles(n=66), 39% of them told personal problems (n=60), and 18.2% of them told economical difficulties (n=28) to the question that 'What was the most important causative for your illness?'. There were no significant difference in age, educational, marital and socioeconomic status among patients according to other variables. Conclusion: It appears that the symptom types and sex character of the subjects affected the psychiatric help-seeking behaviour.Women tended to ask for psychiatric help at a higher rate than men. Male patients had a stronger tendency than females to seek psychiatric consultation for depressive symptoms.


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