Tekvîr Sûresi’ndeki “Hunnes”, “Cevâri” ve “Künnes” Kelimeleri Bağlamında Bir Bilimsel Tefsir Denemesi

Kur’ân’da, lafzi anlamları bilinse de delaletleri tartışılmış olan, konuları itibariyle de deney ve gözleme dayalı bilimsel alanı ilgilendiren bazı özel ifadeler mevcut olup bunlar, bilimsel tefsir metodunun araştırma sahasına girmektedir. Bu tür ifadeler, son asırda elde edilen bilimsel bulgularla çok daha iyi anlaşılabilen ve delaletlerinin ne olduğu konusunda daha tutarlı açıklamalar yapılabilen ifadelerdir. Kur’ân’ ın bu tür ifadeleri üzerine derinlemesine araştırmalar yapmak, onun her asırda yenilenen i‘câz yönünü açığa çıkarma gayretidir. Zira Kur’ân, asırlar öncesinden asırlar sonrasına da hitap edebilen mucizevi dil ve üslûp özelliklerine sahiptir. Bu da onun, bir beşerin değil, her şeye künhüyle vakıf olan Allah’ın kelâmı olduğunu göstermektedir.

An Essay on the Scientific Tafsir in the Context of the Words “Hunnes”, “Cevâri” and “Kûnnes” from Surah at-Takwir

In the Qur'an, although the literal meanings are known, there are some specific expressions concerning the scientific field based on experiment and observation in terms of their subjects, whose meanings have been discussed, that enter the research area of the scientific tafsîr method. Such statements can be better understood by the scientific findings obtained in the last century and more consistent explanations of what their purposes are. To conduct in-depth research on such expressions of the Qur'an is an effort to reveal its renewed direction in every century. Because the Qur'an has miraculous language and style characteristics that can also appeal to centuries ago. This shows that it is nor a human being, but the word of Allah, who knows everyting. In this study, there are some expressions in the 15th and 16th verses of Takwir Surah that enter the research field of astronomy, which is one of the positive sciences. Many interpretations have been made in our interpretations of the words "hunnes", "cevârî" and "künnes" in the verses of past centuries and discussed at length what is pointed out by these words. The basis of the discussion is the question of whether these three words are sworn to deer, gazelles and antiloba or stars. Even if most commentators prefer the view that the stars are sworn in this verse, the issue of which stars are sworn and what qualities of these words emphasized that has been a separate topic of discussion. The relevant comments and discussions show that the statements in these verses are not fully understood, at least not a consensus. The fact that these explanations are not unconvincing in terms of containing irreconcilables make it necessary to reconsider these statements and to reinterpret them by taking advantage of the scientific accumulation of this century. Because these words are related to the space realm, which is one of the fields of scientific research. Today, it is obvious that the knowledge gained about the space realm and stars is too advanced to be even compared with the information at the time of the verses. When these expressions in the Takwir Surah are evaluated together with the available information about the space realm, it is concluded that a special type of star has been discovered here in recent years, and some scholars in the last century draw attention to this issue in the verses. Because in terms of its basic meanings, the word "hunnes" means privacy, invisibility and retreat and puckering, the word "cevârî" means fluency and mobility, and the word "kunnes" means sweeping and collecting. The verses begin with the oath “lâ uqsimu" that refers to strongly hard-indicating sworn to a physical phenomenon marked by the words "hunnes", "cevârî" and "kunnes". With the style of oath, which has a special place in the Qur'an, is drawn an attention to the fact that the oath is evidence of God’s power and greatness. With the considering the usual view int he exegesis that these words in the verses mean stars, it is concluded that these verses point to the type of a star knwn as “black hole”, whose invisibility and inward puckering, movement and fluency, as well as the ability of swallow objects around it, have been discovered in recent years. Because the black hole is also a type of star, their characteristics match the true meanings expressed by the words in the verses. The fact that such a physical phenomenon has been pointed out in the Qur'an that reinforces the fact of the Allah Word, which is encompassed by its knowledge and power. The fact that such a physical phenomenon, which is discovered in the 20th century which the findings about it increased day by day was noted from centuries ago in the Quran which reconfirms the fact of Qur’an as Allah’s word.


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