Schopenhauer ve Spinoza'da İnsan Bedeni ve Duygulanımları

A Critical Examination of Emotions and the Body: Schopenhauer and Spinoza

Abstract: According to Spinoza who has constructed the logic of emotions in his Ethics, ideas affect affections and affections affect the body. Negative emotions, such as envy, hostility, hate which are caused by external ideas, lead to a weakening of the performance of the body. Spinoza argues that it is more suitable and more rational for human being to exchange negative emotions for love and the emotions which are led by love. Thus, Spinoza claims that negative emotions could be challenged only by love. On the other hand Schopenhauer thinks that body is the center of will and emotions. The human body produces needs along with the one s life. These needs involve pleasures. Satisfaction of these needs leads to boredom. To avoid this situation, Schopenhauer says, human should avoid worldly and emotional needs. In this study the relationship between human rationality and emotional needs are compared. It is claimed that human happiness is the balance between the rational and the emotional parts.


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