Food Security Preventive Measures Guidance in Food Industry: 1. For Food Producers, Processors, and Transporters

A.B.D.Gıda ve İlaç İdaresi, kanuna aykırı bir şeyin değiştirilmesi veya kötü niyetli, kriminal veya terör hareketleri riskini gıda üreticilerinin en azda tutabilmelerini sağlayacak şekilde düzenlenmiş, yol gösterici dökümanların varlığını duyurmuştur 19 Mart 2003 . Bunlardan ikisi düzeltmeleri yapılmış, hazır dökümanlardır, üçüncüsü ise son düzeltme aşamasındadır. İlk iki döküman gıda üreticileri, işleyicileri ve taşıyıcılarına, sonuncusu ise perakende satış depolarına ve gıda servisi yapan kurumlara dönüktür. Bu dökümanlar, yönetmelik değildir ve zorunlu değillerdir. Bu yol gösterici dökümanlar, Türkiye'deki gıda sanayi için de örnek dökümanlar olarak kabul edilebilir
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Gıda, İlaç, İdaresi

Food Security Preventive Measures Guidance in Food Industry: 1. For Food Producers, Processors, and Transporters

This guidance is designed as an aid to operators of food establishments firms that produce, process, store, repack, relabel, distribute, or transport food or food ingredients . This is a very diverse set of establishments, which includes both very large and very small entities.This guidance identifies the kinds of preventive measures operators of food establishments may take to minimize the risk that food under their control will be subject to tampering or other malicious, criminal, or terrorist actions. It is relevant to all sectors of the food system, including farms, aquaculture facilities, fishing vessels, producers, transportation operations, processing facilities, packing facilities, and warehouses. It is not intended as guidance for retail food stores or food service establishments. Operators of food establishments are encouraged to review their current procedures and controls in light of the potential for tampering or other malicious, criminal, or terrorist actions and make appropriate improvements. FDA recommends that the review include consideration of the role that unit and distribution packaging might have in a food security program. This guidance is designed to focus operator's attention sequentially on each segment of the farm-totable system that is within their control, to minimize the risk of tampering or other malicious, criminal, or terrorist action at each segment. To be successful, implementing enhanced preventive measures requires the commitment of management and staff. Accordingly, FDA recommends that both management and staff participate in the development and review of such measures