Administrators' and Teachers' Perceptions regarding the Selection Method and Qualifications of School Administrators

Administrators’ and Teachers’ Perceptions regarding the Selection Method and Qualifications of School Administrators

The assessment, selection and assignment of principals working at public schools in Turkey have continued to be problematic. The purpose of this study is to examine the perceptions of principals and teachers regarding the recent change in the selection method and the qualifications of school administrators. The study depends on a phenomenology approach of qualitative research. A semi-structured interview approach was employed in the collection and analysis of the data. According to the results, participants expressed some concerns regarding the transparency and justice of selection process but considered variation in the selection criteria to be positive. It is indicated that principals appointed to schools through the current system are determined to develop a team spirit and a positive school culture. In addition, it is suggested that in-service training provided to principals for their development should be practice-based.
