The Value and Tasks of the Professional Specialization of Students

The article considers not the scientific work on the problems of physical culture, which is studied in the field of physical culture and sports, but the meaning of the concept and the meaning of the terms. A detailed description of the functions, principles, systematize the definitions given to these concepts, and study the theoretical and methodological basis of the study. This is shown in the theory and practice of the process of professional development of students of physical culture, which is given to him the definition. The pedagogical content which helps to define structural components and functions is opened. In order to achieve life and professional goals, it is necessary to acquire experience in the creative use of physical culture and sports.

The Value and Tasks of the Professional Specialization of Students

The article considers not the scientific work on the problems of physical culture, which is studied in the field of physical culture and sports, but the meaning of the concept and the meaning of the terms. A detailed description of the functions, principles, systematize the definitions given to these concepts, and study the theoretical and methodological basis of the study. This is shown in the theory and practice of the process of professional development of students of physical culture, which is given to him the definition. The pedagogical content which helps to define structural components and functions is opened. In order to achieve life and professional goals, it is necessary to acquire experience in the creative use of physical culture and sports.


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