Psychology and pedagogical features of development of a creative personality of the student

In this article is considered methods of game modeling as most perspective method and form of receiving material of creative self-realization and cultivation of higher levels of creative potential personality of participants. In modern conditions demand on creatively - the creative, competitive person is extremely high and it will constantly increase. Therefore the importance of orientation of professional education to comprehensive stimulation of creative and creative self-development of the competitive personality does not raise doubts. The problem of improving competitiveness of the nation, accumulation of intellectual and creative potential of professionally mobile experts moves forward in the category of the most relevant tasks of modern society more and more persistently. It is connected with necessity of modernization of the educational environment according to the new purposes and problems of development of professional education.

Psychology and pedagogical features of development of a creative personality of the student

In this article is considered methods of game modeling as most perspective method and form of receiving material of creative self-realization and cultivation of higher levels of creative potential personality of participants. In modern conditions demand on creatively - the creative, competitive person is extremely high and it will constantly increase. Therefore the importance of orientation of professional education to comprehensive stimulation of creative and creative self-development of the competitive personality does not raise doubts. The problem of improving competitiveness of the nation, accumulation of intellectual and creative potential of professionally mobile experts moves forward in the category of the most relevant tasks of modern society more and more persistently. It is connected with necessity of modernization of the educational environment according to the new purposes and problems of development of professional education.


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