Basic Directions of Physical Culture System

The article deals with the main directions, principles and structure of the system of physical culture, as well as the development of the system of physical education and other sports concepts. These concepts make it possible to determine the role of physical education in society. Physical activity is the development, preservation, acquisition, reproduction, use and dissemination of human values in the environment. A truly organized body of physical education is based on exercises in physical training and sport. Sport is a public domain in enhancing people's ability. In fact, today's sport has become universal. The urgency of the development of sports is becoming increasingly important.

Basic Directions of Physical Culture System

The article deals with the main directions, principles and structure of the system of physical culture, as well as the development of the system of physical education and other sports concepts. These concepts make it possible to determine the role of physical education in society. Physical activity is the development, preservation, acquisition, reproduction, use and dissemination of human values in the environment. A truly organized body of physical education is based on exercises in physical training and sport. Sport is a public domain in enhancing people's ability. In fact, today's sport has become universal. The urgency of the development of sports is becoming increasingly important.


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