The Suez Canal and the Strengthening of the Positions of the European Powers in Egypt

In this article the author considers the strengthening of the British and French positions in connection with the commissioning of the Suez Canal and analyzes the colonial interests of western countries as well as their competition in the canal region. The main reasons for the financial enslavement of Egypt by the European powers are revealed. The Suez Canal is regarded as a pilot corporate project, all dividends of which were appropriated by European states due to the established international division of labor.Since economic phenomena at the beginning of the twentieth century were largely due to politics, the Suez Canal also became a hostage to military-political phenomena.

The Suez Canal and the Strengthening of the Positions of the European Powers in Egypt

In this article the author considers the strengthening of the British and French positions in connection with the commissioning of the Suez Canal and analyzes the colonial interests of western countries as well as their competition in the canal region. The main reasons for the financial enslavement of Egypt by the European powers are revealed. The Suez Canal is regarded as a pilot corporate project, all dividends of which were appropriated by European states due to the established international division of labor.Since economic phenomena at the beginning of the twentieth century were largely due to politics, the Suez Canal also became a hostage to military-political phenomena.


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