Normative Behavior in the Structure of Psychological Evaluation of Adolescent Behavior

Every person in the course of life repeatedly meets with the concept of “norm”. In the society in which we live in one way or another, this concept is found in all spheres of life. This article theoretically examines the concepts of psychological norms of adolescents in the context of the leading spheres of life of the individual. Also given the results of the comparative analysis of definition in adolescents group norm and risk group differences in the leading spheres of life. Given data in turn helps to understand the normal behavior of adolescents and to determine “normal” behavior among adolescents at risk.

Normative Behavior in the Structure of Psychological Evaluation of Adolescent Behavior

Every person in the course of life repeatedly meets with the concept of “norm”. In the society in which we live in one way or another, this concept is found in all spheres of life. This article theoretically examines the concepts of psychological norms of adolescents in the context of the leading spheres of life of the individual. Also given the results of the comparative analysis of definition in adolescents group norm and risk group differences in the leading spheres of life. Given data in turn helps to understand the normal behavior of adolescents and to determine “normal” behavior among adolescents at risk.


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