The Concept of «Ijtihad» in Islam: Islamic Analysis

In this article, the linguistic and terminological definition of ijtihad, which is a part of Islamic law, and the differences between these two are investigated. In addition, the interpretations of the ijtihad among the Hanafi scholars in the Classical and Post-Classical periods and the differences of ijtihad between the two were examined comparatively. Furthermore, the meaning of the word "ray" and "qıyas" which is similar to the expression ijtihad, is defined separately and gives detailed information about their relationship between ijtihad. The term ijhtihad here will be explained through the works of Hanafi scholars.

The Concept of «Ijtihad» in Islam: Islamic Analysis

In this article, the linguistic and terminological definition of ijtihad, which is a part of Islamic law, and the differences between these two are investigated. In addition, the interpretations of the ijtihad among the Hanafi scholars in the Classical and Post-Classical periods and the differences of ijtihad between the two were examined comparatively. Furthermore, the meaning of the word "ray" and "qıyas" which is similar to the expression ijtihad, is defined separately and gives detailed information about their relationship between ijtihad. The term ijhtihad here will be explained through the works of Hanafi scholars.


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