Studying processes of the service controlling computing systems with the help of the embedded chains of the markov

In controlling system were (VC) processes of serving in big requirement sclasses, has a time service allocation its different from exponential. In this condition using the method of Markov’s chain and describe the process by using this method is not acceptable, in this process lines lengths are changeable Q(t) serving beginning of the awaited time, and others do not considered as a Markov’s. But some of them maybe learned using the method of Markov’s chain which showed in this work. Defining the unchangeable possibility of the system.To find analytical expression of the characteristics of the system. And make a suitable chart.

Studying processes of the service controlling computing systems with the help of the embedded chains of the markov

In controlling system were (VC) processes of serving in big requirement sclasses, has a time service allocation its different from exponential. In this condition using the method of Markov’s chain and describe the process by using this method is not acceptable, in this process lines lengths are changeable Q(t) serving beginning of the awaited time, and others do not considered as a Markov’s. But some of them maybe learned using the method of Markov’s chain which showed in this work. Defining the unchangeable possibility of the system.To find analytical expression of the characteristics of the system. And make a suitable chart.


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