Some Ideas of the Phenomenon of Motivation in the Process of Studying English Language

Motivation has long been recognized as one of the driving forces in the process of mastering a foreign language which greatly influences the learning outcomes. This article deals with the defining of types and levels of student’s motivation towards learning the English language. Motivation is the main means which gives the possibility to increase the level of student’s attentiveness in the learning process. And here the important role and task for teacher is to convince students in the significance of learning process tasks. Exactly for students who gain the importance of learning process tasks, it will the result of motivation. In the process of researching the level of student’s interest towards studying the English language, dominant motives (integrative, instrumental) in student’s activity and the challenges the students face were defined here. The analyses of motivation’s problems show that instrumental focus of learning English language predominates on integrative one, and that gives us the possibility to dwell on the fact that the instrumental motivation is a very important motivating factor, which influences on the process of learning English language. In this article on the basis of many scientists’ researches there were considered dominating motives of instrumental motivation: professional, academic, motive of prestige and communicative motives. Listening and reading are the most challenging skills for students. Also this article deals with the methods and ways which increase the students’ motivation of mastering English. Among the main methods of increasing the motivation were allocated as the content of teaching materials and ways of learning activity, which were demonstrated on the author’s practical materials.

Some Ideas of the Phenomenon of Motivation in the Process of Studying English Language

Motivation has long been recognized as one of the driving forces in the process of mastering a foreign language which greatly influences the learning outcomes. This article deals with the defining of types and levels of student’s motivation towards learning the English language. Motivation is the main means which gives the possibility to increase the level of student’s attentiveness in the learning process. And here the important role and task for teacher is to convince students in the significance of learning process tasks. Exactly for students who gain the importance of learning process tasks, it will the result of motivation. In the process of researching the level of student’s interest towards studying the English language, dominant motives (integrative, instrumental) in student’s activity and the challenges the students face were defined here. The analyses of motivation’s problems show that instrumental focus of learning English language predominates on integrative one, and that gives us the possibility to dwell on the fact that the instrumental motivation is a very important motivating factor, which influences on the process of learning English language. In this article on the basis of many scientists’ researches there were considered dominating motives of instrumental motivation: professional, academic, motive of prestige and communicative motives. Listening and reading are the most challenging skills for students. Also this article deals with the methods and ways which increase the students’ motivation of mastering English. Among the main methods of increasing the motivation were allocated as the content of teaching materials and ways of learning activity, which were demonstrated on the author’s practical materials.


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