Reflection of Folk Healing in Kazakh and Turkish Oral Literature

Folk healing is one of the oldest, most important objects of the study of oral folk art. It is important to study the history, to determine the place of folk healing in science. In Kazakh folklore science, the roots of folk healing, known by various names, have their roots in the pre-Islamic Turkic belief system. At the root of the Kazakh traditional folk healing are the Kok-Tengri religion, shamanic beliefs / Baksanism. Folk healing, which plays a rather important role in our daily life, has developed so widely in the Turkic world that its application can be seen in any sphere of life. The purpose of this study is to study various analyses, opinions, approaches concerning folk healing, as well as the results of the study of Kazakh and foreign scientists regarding Kazakh folk healing. It is also possible to prove through the judgments of researchers that in the works of oral folk art accumulated over the centuries, one can also find reflections and experiences of our ancestors concerning everyday life, traditions, and a healthy lifestyle. The article discusses various names, definitions of the concept of folk healing in Kazakh and Turkish oral literature, examples, methods of treatment that are not found in other literary works about folk healing except the book Korkyt Ata, which is a priceless pearl of oral folk healing.

Reflection of Folk Healing in Kazakh and Turkish Oral Literature

Folk healing is one of the oldest, most important objects of the study of oral folk art. It is important to study the history, to determine the place of folk healing in science. In Kazakh folklore science, the roots of folk healing, known by various names, have their roots in the pre-Islamic Turkic belief system. At the root of the Kazakh traditional folk healing are the Kok-Tengri religion, shamanic beliefs / Baksanism. Folk healing, which plays a rather important role in our daily life, has developed so widely in the Turkic world that its application can be seen in any sphere of life. The purpose of this study is to study various analyses, opinions, approaches concerning folk healing, as well as the results of the study of Kazakh and foreign scientists regarding Kazakh folk healing. It is also possible to prove through the judgments of researchers that in the works of oral folk art accumulated over the centuries, one can also find reflections and experiences of our ancestors concerning everyday life, traditions, and a healthy lifestyle. The article discusses various names, definitions of the concept of folk healing in Kazakh and Turkish oral literature, examples, methods of treatment that are not found in other literary works about folk healing except the book Korkyt Ata, which is a priceless pearl of oral folk healing.


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