Professional Competence of Highschool Teacher

Thearticle is devoted to the actual theme of University teacher’s professional competence, and uncovers such meanings as professional competence. The important exponents of University teachers’ competence are the ability of using modern education technologies in the process of teaching depending on pedagogical situation, its objectives and tasks. Pedagogical communication culture, teacher’s personality, students’ skills and education is shown in professional educative teacher’s activity on a high level and focused on important teacher’s qualities.

Professional Competence of Highschool Teacher

Thearticle is devoted to the actual theme of University teacher’s professional competence, and uncovers such meanings as professional competence. The important exponents of University teachers’ competence are the ability of using modern education technologies in the process of teaching depending on pedagogical situation, its objectives and tasks. Pedagogical communication culture, teacher’s personality, students’ skills and education is shown in professional educative teacher’s activity on a high level and focused on important teacher’s qualities.


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