The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Turnover Intention: Testing the Mediational Role of Perceptions of Organizational Politics

The main aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between emotional intelligence and turnover intention and to determine the mediating role of perception of politics in this relationship. AMOS 22 was used for testing model with structural equation modeling. The results indicate that all dimensions of emotional intelligence except “Use of emotion” was negatively and significantly related to turnover intention and perception of politics. The positive relation between perception of politics and turnover intention was also significant. Besides, it was found that perception of politics mediates the relationship between emotional intelligence and turnover intention

The Impact of Emotional Intelligence on Turnover Intention: Testing the Mediational Role of Perceptions of Organizational Politics

The main aim of this study is to analyze the relationship between emotional intelligence and turnover intention and to determine the mediating role of perception of politics in this relationship. AMOS 22 was used for testing model with structural equation modeling. The results indicate that all dimensions of emotional intelligence except “Use of emotion” was negatively and significantly related to turnover intention and perception of politics. The positive relation between perception of politics and turnover intention was also significant. Besides, it was found that perception of politics mediates the relationship between emotional intelligence and turnover intention. Keywords: Emotional Intelligence, Turnover Intention, Perception of Politics, Mediating Role.


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