ile gerekse yazılı kaynaklar aracılığıyla elimize ulaşan birçok eserin güfteleri ve nağmeleri zaman içerisinde tahrifatlara uğramış ve hatta belkide birçoğu günümüze orijinalinden çok farklı şekilde intikâl etmiştir. Bu bağlamda yapılacak olan incelemeler ve araştırmalar Türk Müziği kültürümüzün doğru aktarımı ve gelecek kuşağa yol göstermesi bakımından büyük önem arz etmektedir. Nitel bir inceleme olan araştırmada betimsel araştırma yöntemi kullanılarak bestelerin form analizleri Prof.Dr. Oter tarafından geliştirilen, güftenin temel alındığı biçim analiz yöntemi ile yapılmıştır. Bu bağlamda formun farklı bestekârlar tarafından bestelenmiş olan 15 örneği incelenmiş yapısal unsurları ile ilgili somut bulgulara ulaşılmıştır.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Türk mûsıkîsi, Form, Kârçe


The vocal music compositions in the Turkish Music repertoire are forms of expression that prioritize the lyric element and form harmonious wholes with the lyrics-composition relations. Therefore, these works provide essential information about the Turkish music tradition by shedding light on the musical understandings of the composing periods.Although the study discusses the "Kârçe" form and describes it as the diminutive form of the Kâr form in various sources, there is no factual and transparent information about its formal features. Nevertheless, Kârçes, a few examples of which have survived today, are among the primary forms of vocal music composition.This study examines the interactions, similarities, and differences of the compositions classified as "Kârçe" with other composition forms by comparing the various copies of the existing notes in the sources. The compositions in the kârçe form are subject to form analysis by considering the number of verses and how the "terennüm" structures were processed. Moreover, the study includes format schemes. Various kârçe compositions we have today may have distorted in terms of lyrics, tune and form over time. Many of them may have even been transferred to the present day differently from the original. In this context, conventional studies and researches are necessary to transfer Turkish music culture to future generations and guide them.This study executes a qualitative analysis using a descriptive research method and analyzing the forms of the compositions with the form analysis method developed by Prof. Dr. Oter, based on the lyrics. In this context, by examining 16 examples of the form composed by different composers in different periods, factual findings related to its structural elements were reached.The research concluded that some works shown as Karçe's should be forms of Beste, Nakış or Kâr, and some of the works included in the form of Kâr should be Kârçe's.


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