Research in the area of self-directed learning has primarily focused on finding out the characteristics of self-directed learners by observing them. However, less attention is given to the perspectives and beliefs of self-directed learners. This tudy aims to present what self-directed learners think and say about self-directed learning to find out what is required or necesary to be a self-directed learner. Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted. This study is designed as a qualitative study. Charmaz’s constructivist grounded theory is employed. Indepth interviews are done to understand the beliefs and perspectives of self-directed learners. The interviews are recorded, transcribed, and analyzed using qualitative research method for themes surrounding self-directed learning. Three major themes emerged from the data: (a) definition of self-directed learning, (b) external and internal resources and (c) suggestions that could be made for parents, teachers and communities to raise self-directed individuals. The proposed model presents a comprehensive understanding of self-directed learning. The model can be adopted by institutions and can be expanded with further studies by future researchers. The each component of this model could be studied by researchers to find out more about the internal and external resources and the suggestions that could be provided for the community.


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