The aim of the study was to evaluate the principles' leadership practices on the assistant principals’ leadership self-efficacy. The hypotheses of the qualitative research method were used in the study. The data of the study were obtained through two semi-structured interview forms were developed. One was applied to the six principals and the other one was to ten assistant principals in the secondary school in Ankara. The data were analyzed by using content analysis. In order to increase the internal validity of the study, themes and codes and the data analysis process were conducted with the help of experts who had experience in assessment and evaluation of qualitative researches. When the opinions of the participants were examined, it was seen that the strategies used by the principles in the development of the leadership role of assistant principals were various. When these strategies were examined, it was determined that there were behaviors such as giving challenging tasks, giving feedback, giving autonomy to them, encouraging, and praising them about the tasks they had completed. Moreover, it was understood that the assistant principals had an opportunity to co-learn with their colleagues on their daily tasks and these tasks supported their self-efficacy beliefs.


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