Osmanlı Devleti’nde görevden alınan memurlara, yeniden tayin edilinceye
Anahtar Kelimeler:

Memur, azil, maaş, fon, hazine


In the Ottoman Empire, dismissal pension which was paid to dismissed officersuntil their reassignment, was paid by the treasury. In the XIX. century, beginningof deterioration in the financial system and finally the budget deficits that theincome-outcome imbalance of the treasury created, caused to have troubles payingpensions to the dismissed officers. After a while, dismissal pensions came to not bepaid for every dismissed officer. Although several legislative measures were takento find a solution for the problem, the difficulty of paying the pension could not beexceeded. For this reason, a new law was prepared and it was decided to establisha fund by deductions from officers’ salaries to compensate for the pensions ofdismissed ones. The fund so-called Dismissal Pension Chest would save thetreasury both from the pressure of paying these salaries and save the officiers frombeing unemployed in periods of dismissal. The government approved a 1% cutfrom salaries and the creation of a separate office and chest in the Civil ServiceRetirement Chest. The management of the Civil Service Retirement Chest preparedthe internal regulations for Dismissal Pension Chest which was held responsiblefor these salaries. In the internal regulation, it was decided to the cut of 1% inJanuary 1892 and to pay the pensions from June of the same year.


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