XIX. yüzyıl Osmanlı devleti için askerî, siyasî, ekonomik ve sosyal açıdan


The 19th century was a period in which there were many significant military, political, economic and social developments in the Ottoman Empire. The mass migrations from the Balkans and Crimea in the second half of the 19th century were among the most important developments of that period. Immigrants who flocked to the cities caused significant problems and therefore the empire had to take some measures against this situation. However, migrations that increasingly continued especially after the Russo-Turkish War (1877-1878) made the problems worse. Although the Ottoman Empire took the necessary measures and enabled most immigrants to settle in various provinces of the empire, in the years following the war, there were still great social problems in Istanbul. In order to solve these problems, new social institutions were established in Istanbul. One of the most important institutions was Dulhane. The institution that started to provide services to immigrants in “Kırmızı Kışla” was closed after “Darülaceze” was established. The present study aims to explain and evaluate the opening of Dulhane, the incomes allocated to the institution, and the services provided. 


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