XIX. Yüzyıldan itibaren uluslararası arenada Basra Körfezi'nin önemi artmıştır. Körfezde, Osmanlı ve İran dışında Avrupalı devletlerin faaliyetleri dikkate değer bir hal almıştır. İlk aşamada Avrupalı devletler ticaret amacıyla gelmişlerdir. Körfezdeki ticaretin karlı olduğunu fark etmişlerdir. Bu nedenle, siyasi hâkimiyet kurmak amacıyla askeri faaliyetlerine hız vermişlerdir. Özellikle İngiltere'nin siyasi hâkimiyet sağlama konusunda ön planda olduğu görülmektedir. İngiltere'nin dışında, Almanya, Rusya ve Fransa'nın da körfez bölgesinde varlıklarını hissettirmek düşüncesinde olduğu anlaşılmaktadır. Rusya'nın körfez bölgesine bakışı Şark Meselesi doğrultusundaydı. Bu amaçla Ruslar, ileride hak talebinde bulunmak amacındaydılar. Bu nedenle zaman zaman Basra Körfezine savaş gemisi göndermek suretiyle kendilerine alt yapı oluşturmak istiyorlardı. Almanya ve Fransa ise ülkelerinde yayınladıkları hem askeri hem de sivil gazetelerde bölge üzerinde olan projelerini çekinmiyorlardı. veya başka devletlerin planlarını açıklamaktan.


The importance of the Persian Gulf increased since the nineteenth century in international arena. The activities of European Countries began to draw attention except for Ottoman and İran in the Gulf. In the first phase, European Countries come to the Gulf for trading purposes. They realised that the trade in the region was profitable. Therefore they tried to speed up their military activities in order to establish political domination. Especially, England's desire was remarkable to achieve political domination except for England, Garmany, Russia and France tried to make feel their existence in the Gulf region. Russia's view about the region was in accordance with Eastern Question. For this purpose, Russians purpose to put in a claim for the region in the future. Hence through sending war ship to the Persian Gulf the Germany and the French occasionally, they wanted to create background with military and civil newspapers they published in their countries did not abstain from expressing their own and other countries' plans on the region. Ottoman State took action to protect her frontier and rights against these European countries which carried out colonial activities in the region. Accordingly Ottoman State demanded proponent emirs and sheikhs not to make any secret agreements with European countries without the permission of central administration in order to stabilise her sovereignty in the region. Ottoman State discredited the previously concluded treaties. Besides Ottoman State also emphasised that the emirs and sheikhs did not have any rights to conclude a treaty. In order to make her presence felt in the Persian Gulf, patrol vessels were sent to the region. Ottoman State emphasised that these precautions were taken in order to prevent smuggling activities in the region. In the fact it was a effort of Ottoman State trying to prevent its aggrieved sovereignty in the region. The study will focus on these topics and the international power struggle in the Persian Gulf will be reviewed.


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