Bilindiği gibi edebî türler, hayatın gerçeklerini içeren toplumun birer aynası gibidirler. Günümüzde toplumları analiz etmek için bu aynalara bakmak gerekir. Bu nedenle toplumlar arası kültürel çatışmaları önlemek ve küresel barışı sağlamak için kültürel iletişim süreci gereklidir. Bu tanıma sürecini başarmak için halk masallarından, roman ve hikâyelerden yararlanmamız şarttır. Bu makalede biz masal, modern roman ve hikâyeleri inceleyerek Türk toplumunu daha yakından tanıyabileceğiz. Türk kadın karakterler farklı zamanlarda farklı özellikleriyle karşımıza çıkmışlardır. Bazen masum bir kadın şeklinde bazen aldatan bazen de saf bir karakter şeklinde karşımıza çıkarlar. Masallarda kadınlar genel olarak idealist kadınlar, hayat kadınları, üvey analar ve Anadolu kadınları şeklinde ortaya çıkmaktadırlar. Masallarda modern kadın karakterlerin prototipi vardır. Oysa modern roman ve hikâyelerde daha gerçekçi kadın karakterler bulmak mümkündür. Kadınlar Türk toplumunun çekirdeğini oluşturmaktadırlar. Türk kültürünü tanımak için öncelikle Türk kadınını tanımak gereklidir. Türk kadınları hem masallarda hem de modern türlerde genellikle çile çeken ve fedakâr özellikleri ile ön plana çıkarlar. Türk kadınının tarihî gelişimini ve farklı yüzyıllarda üstlendikleri farklı rolleri edebî türlerin gelişimiyle birlikte takip etmek mümkündür. Bu yönüyle edebî türler, kadın kahramanları tanımamız için birer ayna görevini görürler. Bu aynada kadınlar sosyal ve kültürel çevreleriyle birlikte ele alınmışlardır. Kadınların Türk toplumunun çekirdeğini oluşturduğu düşünüldüğünde edebî türlerdeki kadın karakterlerin Türk toplumunu tanımada ne denli önemli bir faktör olduğu anlaşılacaktır


As it is known literary genres are a mirror of the society that containing the realities of life. It is necessary to look at these mirrors for to analyze the societies today. For this reason we need to know different cultures, and we must continue our dialogue process for to recognize the societies to prevent conflicts of inter-communal cultures and to ensure global peace. To achieve this recognition process we must take advantage of the literary species like folk tales, novels and stories of societies. In this article we able to recognize Turkish society examining different literary types as folk tale and modern novel and stories. Turkish female characters emerged at different times with different specifications. Women emerge as an innocent or cheated character in the form of folk tales. Besides, women can be seen as idealistic women, prostitutes, of step-mothers or Anatolian women in the fairy tales generally. There are prototypes of modern female characters in fairy tales. However, more realistic female characters can be found in modern novels and stories. Women constitute the core of the Turkish society. We need to know Turkish women for to understand the Turkish culture. Turkish women appear in both fairy tales and modern literary genres as frantic and unselfish characteristics. The historical development of Turkish women and their different roles in different centuries, it is possible to follow along with the development of literary genres. Literary genres are like a mirror to recognize women heroes. Women were handled in this mirror with their social and cultural environment. Women characters in literary genres are important factor to recognize the Turkish society considering that women are the core of in Turkish society. I researched in this work that how Turkish female characters formed developing from the past stages to up to the present. I have detected which differences emerged based on cultural environment between the prototype women characters and today's modern women form. Every literary genre emerges as a previous literary genre. This indicates that the heroes or types of literary genres come from the past to the present developing and changing. In this study I investigated the answer to the question that how Turkish women represented in literary genres which a mirror of the society. I try to find the answers why women are represented in the background of literary genres. Women in literary genres were represented in many different categories and they have emerged with distinctive characteristics in society. And what are these features were revealed in this study. Turkish women characters are dealt in the novel genre as a modern type of narrative today. But they located as a hero in folk tales. But both of them are the same part of personality traits. In this study it was studied a review about cross-species and it was made comparisons in the modern novel and folk tales. Thereby it was observed the development of Turkish women in the literary genres. There are similar women types both novels and folk tales according to the results of this study. Women characters emerge with similar aspects in modern novels. This similarity shows that women have the same characteristic specifications in literary genres no matter what they're located. Because of this study is an intertextual examination it was revealed both the variation of genres and similarity of women characters. It wasn’t defined different literary genres comparing female characters until today. Folk tales material is chosen especially from Kilis when the female characters comparing in novels and tales in this studies. Aka Gündüz's novels were chosen as an example between the modern novels in this study. These two selected materials have been identified representing two different species to source and research. Of course, it can be selected the tales of other areas for this research and can took as an example a different modern novelist. Any researcher may take advantage from a different material. These materials I selected can be considered as a source or a material which studied on it. Each source material are preferred because of I worked on these literary genres. As a result of the comparison about female characters in modern novels and Kilis folk tales that women have similar cultural characteristics even in different literary genres. According to the findings women characters are seen in a similar form in the modern novel like in fairy tales. Women who have a special place in Turkish culture continue to maintain that reputation in the novels. Turkish women who have mythological features in the fairy tales appear deprived of these features in the modern novel. Women seem as similar types such as good and bad women both in modern novels and folk tales. It shows that there are the prototypes of the modern Turkish female characters in Turkish fairy tales. Women characters in the modern today's Turkish literature were formed as similar to the original form of the past. Women characters in modern narrative literary types are a form of folk tales have been modernized. Women types who settled the memory of the people throughout centuries in folk tales were formed in a similar manner in contemporary fiction. The female characters described in the Turkish tales demonstrate culture, lifestyles and the perspective of women in ancient Turkish societies. This situation demonstrates the sociological structure of Turkish society. Women's transformation from the type to the character had happened not coincidentally but in parallel with the development of society although thousands of years have passed. The view of the society to Turkish women almost remained unchanged since ancient times. Women in Turkish society are known with holiness and maternity aspects. These two characteristics are important concepts in Turkish society. It seems that prototypes of the women characters are appeared in folk tales in this comparison between the modern novels and tales of Kilis. Whenever Turkish society sociological changed women characters also changed and has come up today. Women characters in modern Turkish novels are formed with the features in the historical development process. They weren’t created coincidentally. Literary genres such as novels and folk tales are like a mirror of society. The female characters I face here are the types that exist in society actually. It was investigated in this study how the Turkish female characters have developed and consisted as the types of in modern fiction through the centuries. This development process took place in parallel with female characters in society who developed towards modernism. Each type of woman exemplifies the women in the center of the Turkish society. According to research results women have decisive effect and capable of directing events around its axis. Mythological extraordinary powers in the Turkish woman characters have emerged as diligence, to impress and direct people to characteristics with diligence, impressiveness and orientation. This shows that women have an important place in Turkish society. These historical developments of women should be considered while Turkish woman characters evaluating.
