The Effect of Music Education in the Improvement of Gifted and Talented Students’ Social Skills

In this study, it was carried out to enable gifted and talented children to discover, recognize and develop their social skills through musical education. In this research using experimental method; It has been investigated how effective the social skills levels of gifted and talented children and music education can be. The study group of the research consisted of students studying in the Gifted and Talented Education Program (ÜYEP) in a private educational institution in Istanbul. The Social Skills Evaluation Scale (7-12 years old) developed by Gönül Akçamete and Hasan Avcıoğlu was applied to the experiment (n = 9) and control (n = 9) groups, which were randomly selected among 18 students. Experimental group; one hour per week an enriched to improve social skills developed by researcher with researcher music while working training program, and also one hour per week at the Ministry of Education with the school's music teacher, music lessons and continued their musical education through the program. The control group continued their music education with the music teacher of the school for two hours a week with the Ministry of National Education Music lesson program. At the end of 12 weeks, a post-test was applied to the experimental and control groups and the data were analyzed statistically. In the results obtained by analyzing the data; at the end of the application process, a positive development was observed in the experimental group's basic social skills, basic speaking skills, initiation skills, group business skills, emotional skills, self-control skills and cognitive skills. In the control group; basic conversational skills, relationship skills to initiate, maintain relations skills, the ability to welcome the results were seen in a positive direction in the development of guidelines making skills and cognitive skills. It was confirmed that music education improves the social skills of the students in both the experimental and control groups.


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