Bu çalışma, Rus Eğitim Sistemi'nin IX. Yüzyıldan başlayarak tarihsel süreç bağlamında geçirdiği dönüşümleri, yaşanan kırılmaları ve bugünkü eğitim sistemini incelemektedir. Araştırma, tarama modelinde bir çalışma olup, Rus dilindeki orijinal kaynaklar ağırlıklı olarak kullanılmaya çalışılmıştır. Araştırmada Türkçe kaynakların yetersizliği, Rusça kaynakların ve Rusya'nın resmi dokümanlarındaki istatistiksel verilerin kısıtlılığı gibi sınırlılıklar gözlenmiştir. Rus Eğitim Sistemi Rusya'nın geçirdiği tarihsel süreçlere paralel olarak inişli çıkışlı bir yol almıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen genel sonuca göre ülkede yaşanan çalkantılı dönemlere ve dünya savaşlarına rağmen modern eğitim kurumları ve belirli eğitim standartları yakalanmıştır. Rus eğitim sisteminin çalışma konusu olarak seçilmesinin sebebi, köklü bir geçmişe sahip olan Rusya'nın, tarihsel süreçte etkili bir devlet olmasında, eğitim alanındaki gelişmelerinin katkısını vurgulamak ve bu suretle eğitim sistemine dikkat çekmek önemli bir gerekçedir. Bu bağlamda Rusya tarihindeki eğitim kurumları ve bu kurumların eğitim programları tarihsel olarak incelenmiştir. Farklı alanlarda açılan okulların insan yetiştirmedeki etkisi bilim dalları itibarı ile ortaya konulmuştur. Zaman içerisinde evrilen eğitim kurumlarının önemli düzeyde günümüze ulaştıkları söylenebilir. Rus eğitim tarihi incelendiğinde eğitim kurumu sayıları ve program çeşitlilikleri dikkat çekmektedir. Eğitime yapılan yatırımlar ulusların ve devletlerin güçlerini arttırmakta ve ömürlerini uzatmaktadır


The aim of this study is to analyse transformations and milestones of Russian education system from 9th century to now. In this qualitative study, it is mainly drawn from Russian literature in the original versions. It was faced to obstacles like inadequacies of Turkish and Russian resources and statistical datas in official Russian documents in the process of research. The ups and downs of the Russian education system correspond to the same period with vicissitudes in Russian history. In conclusion, despite turbulent times in country and World Wars, modern educational institutions have been established and educational standards have been reached in Russia. The reason why Russian education system was selected as the study topic is that underlining the contribution of educational developments for Russia to become an effective state in the history with a long-standing background and thus drawing attention to education system is an important reason. In this context, educational institutions in the history of Russia and educational programs of these institutions were examined historically. The influence of schools in different branches on educating people was presented by disciplines. It can be argued that educational institutions which evolved over time have reached the present day significantly. When Russian history of education is examined, the number of educational institutions and diversities of educational programs draw stand out. Investments in education increase the power of nations and states and prolong their lives.The aim of this study is to analyse transformations and milestones of Russian education system from 9th century to now. In this qualitative study, it is mainly drawn from Russian literature in the original versions. It was faced to obstacles like inadequacies of Turkish and Russian resources and statistical data in official Russian documents in the process of research. The ups and downs of the Russian education system correspond to the same period with vicissitudes in Russian history. In conclusion, despite turbulent times in country and World Wars, modern educational institutions have been established and educational standards have been reached in Russia. The reason why Russian education system was selected as the study topic is that underlining the contribution of educational developments for Russia to become an effective state in the history with a long-standing background and thus drawing attention to education system is an important reason. In this context, educational institutions in the history of Russia and educational programs of these institutions were examined historically. The influence of schools in different branches on educating people was presented by disciplines. It is seen that today's modern Russia has reached a certain educational standard despite all problems and the two World Wars in the country, when the Russian education system is examined. Thus, it comes into light in international evaluations clearly. For example, there are 21 higher education institutions from Russia on the list of world's best higher education researches published by QS World University Rankings in 2014/2015. According to Britain Economist Intelligence Unit research company, Russia is in the 13th place among European countries in terms of education system in 2014. Russia is ranked as the 34th among 76 countries in the global education research conducted by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In many of these and similar studies, it is seen that the Russian Education System can generally provide acquisition of the attitudes and behaviors that should be attained for the ideal human being, which they have aimed at international level. To understand this success, the system should be known closer. The first notable feature is that the system was established according to secular principles. At the same time, schools were arranged for free and 11 years of compulsory education. The institutions at all levels of the education system are connected to one center, the Ministry of Education and Science. Interest and orientation especially in areas such as medicine, science, space research, technology, and mathematics is quite high. A single grading system is used throughout all training stages. Due to the Olympic system, the students develop in a constantly competitive environment and the talented students are carefully identified and directed to the relevant fields. One of the most important factors in increasing success, student control is applied at the highest level with the provision of school-parent cooperation. It is very important to determine what stages the Russian Education System has passed while achieving this targeted level. The first notable thing is that the education institutions changed in time has managed to last significantly till now. Another important point is that the number of educational institutions and the variety of programs were considerably high when Russian education history is examined. Until the First World War, it is seen that schools that reflected the religious worldview and secular worldview served at the same time. This two-pronged situation fully expresses the general structure of Russia in the period of the 1st and 2nd World Wars until the transition to modern education system. It is seen that writing education was developed even in the old Russian period, when Russian history is searched. First schooling began with the adoption of Christianity. The Age of Enlightenment has a considerable importance in Russian education history. Since, at this time, secular modern schools were given start and except for education in lots of fields there were reforms. During the period before revolution, it is seen that society were not accord in education. Since, many of the schools named as modern resisted changing under the conservative pressure. Society and the state thought that they fell behind about the developments in other countries. For this purpose, as of the beginning of the 20th century, rapid developments in education have been experienced and a rapid increase in the number of students, schools and universities has been observed. In 1917, with the October Revolution, education was shaped again in the basis of Lenin's scientific materialist views. The existing school system, management style and teaching staff were changed and churches, religious and old-language schools were prohibited. It was agreed that one type of education would be given in all schools. During the World War years, famine and hunger caused the decrease of quality and quantity in education. To get rid of this situation, the Soviet government thought that every negative thing was caused by education and they decided to start to struggle with lack of education. As a result of these interventions, the modern Russian Educational System started to be established and they managed to become one of the two poles of the cold war period. When the success and historical development of the Russian education system is examined, it has been found that the reforms in education in general are directed by the initiatives of certain political figures. For this reason, the conclusion can be drawn that this type of implementation can provide limited improvements. Moreover, when the system is examined, it is a clear result that the investments made by the educators increase the powers of the nations and the states and extend the life of the states.


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Turkish Studies (Elektronik)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem