Klasik Türk edebiyatında şair divanları kaside, gazel, kıt'a gibi pek çok şiirden meydana gelmektedir. Divanlarda yer alan metinlerden bir tanesi de tarih manzumeleridir. Doğum, ölüm, evlenme, okula başlama, sünnet gibi bireysel konulara düşürülen tarihler olduğu kadar savaşlar, barış antlaşmaları, deprem, kıtlık, sportif karşılaşmalar, mimari yapılar ve imar faaliyetleri gibi toplumsal olaylara düşürülen tarihler de vardır. Şiir üzerinden dönemin Osmanlı hayatına dair ayrıntıları okumak, hele ki söz konusu Divan şiiri olunca, geçmişin bütün o kalıplaşmış önyargılarını bir solukta kırmakta ve şiir metinlerini daha ilgi çekici bir boyuta taşımaktadır. İşin bir de matematiksel yönü vardır ki, hem olayı şiir yoluyla anlatıp hem de kronolojik olarak ebced hesabıyla tarihini vermek hayli titiz bir ustalık ister. Dolayısıyla tarih manzumelerinin yeri ayrıdır. Sadece XV-XVIII. yüzyıllar arasında yazılmış divanlarda değil, klasik Türk edebiyatının artık son örneklerini vererek yavaş yavaş Tanzimat edebiyatına doğru ilerlediği XIX. yüzyılda kaleme alınmış bazı divanlarda da tarih manzumeleriyle karşılaşılmaktadır. Bu makalede, İstanbul dışındaki merkezlerde inşa edilen eğitim kurumlarının yapımına düşürülen tarihler konu olarak seçildiği için, devrin divan örneklerinden tarama yapılan yetmişi içerisindeki dört divanda geçen sekiz tarih manzumesi esas alınmıştır. Söz konusu yerleşim merkezleri Kavala, Rodos, Trabzon, Erzurum, Bursa ve Resmo olup, buralarda kurulan medrese ve mektepleri tarih manzumelerinde anlatan divan sahibi şairler de Refî'-i Kâlâyî, Zîver Paşa, Trabzonlu Hilmî ve Mahmud Celaleddin Paşa'dır. Eğitim kurumlarının dereceleri açısından incelendiğinde; bir medrese, iki rüştiye, üç idadi, bir ziraat mektebi ile bir kız mektebinin bu şiirler üzerinden okurla buluştuğu görülmektedir. Makale yazımında izlenen yol, önce ulaşılabilen kaynaklar ölçüsünde bu eğitim kurumlarına dair tarihi bilgi vermek sonra da şiir alıntılarıyla örneklendirerek nihai bir değerlendirme yapmak şeklindedir


Divans are one of the most important literary works in classical Turkish literature. They involve many poems such as qasidah and ghazels. Historical poem is a form of these mentioned poems. They are written about personal issues like birth, death, marriage, starting school, circumcision or social events like wars, peace treaties, earthquakes, famine, sports events, architecture and town planning activities. Historical poems are considerably significant in terms of understanding the characteristic of Divan poems that is reflecting the social life of Ottoman people. Reading the poems, one can reach any information in relation to the social life of the period when these poems were written. These poems indicate that some forms of poetry in classical Turkish literature are considered as sources along with history through their memory function and they provide information for interdisciplinary cultural history studies. We have historical poems not only in the divans written between 15th-18th centuries, but also in 19th century when classical Turkish literature was changing gradually into Tanzimat literature by giving its final divan copies. In this article, historical poems written about educational institutions constructed in 19th century in centres of population outside of Istanbul are chosen as topic. The names of the writers of the mentioned poems are: Refî-i, Kâlâyî, Zîver Pasha, Trabzonlu Hilmî and Mahmud Celaleddin Pasha. The above mentioned centres of population are: Kavala, Rhodes, Trabzon, Erzurum, Bursa and Resmo. When educational institutions are analysed in terms of their stages; it is observed that a madrasah, two rushtiye, three idadi, an agricultural school and an all-girls school are handled in these poems. The method followed while writing this article is; firstly giving historical information about educational institutions in question in accordance with accessible sources and then carrying out a final evaluation by giving examples of poem quotes. Madrasah, school and hence education in general is one the most important fields in which sense of modernization was effective that started in second half of 18th century and increased its intensity by Tanzimat in Ottoman Empire which was regressing against reformist West. Within 19th century innovation movements; Ottoman military schools and vocational and science schools besides traditional Islamıc schools entered into the process of reconstruction by going into a universal and radical change. After determining educational stages and parts of the schools, curriculums were established by identifying principles, targets and periods such as exam and diploma procedures, selection of teachers and structure of departmental system. Newly prepared programs were successful particularly in Istanbul and some important centres. However, in rural places, former traditional program was preferred to the new one. In spite of everything the history of today’s many educational institutions date back to those days. It is possible to access a lot of information about functions of these madrasah and schools, by whom they were constructed or where they are located, in general and historical sources. What about literary works written during the period when these madrasah and schools were being built? Is there any expression about these institutions mentioned in those poems? We confirmed that among divans written in 19th century, eight historical poems found in particularly four among seventy texts we analysed are about madrasah and schools constructed in Kavala, Rhodes, Trabzon, Erzurum, Bursa and Resmo. By reading these poems, we acquire various data as followed: The name of the sultan is mentioned in all but one poem and in the first couplets of the poems, compliments to sultan in classical poems appears based on poet-patronage relation: II. Mahmud (Kavala), Sultan Abdülmecid (Rodos), Sultan Abdülaziz (Trabzon, Erzurum), II. Abdülhamid (Bursa, Resmo). In three poems, the name of the person who constructed the building is mentioned: Mehmet Ali Paşa (Kavala), Fethi Paşa (Rodos), Emin Muhlis Paşa (Trabzon). It is possible to evaluate proper nouns stated in the poems by checking historical sources: considering the relationship between place and the constructer of that place; it is understood that both Kavala and Rhodes are the countries where these aforementioned constructers are from. Considering the relationship between place-poem; it seems that Emin Hilmî is from Trabzon, Mahmud Celaleddin Pasha was a government man and poet as well who worked as governor of Bursa and lieutenant governor of Cretan. Unfortunately, the stories about the way of these literary works being produced was not addressed much in these poems. The text narrating the construction of rushtiye in Rhodes by Zîver Pasha comprises most information and it confirms the information found in historical sources. A small detail given by Emin Hilmî while telling the rushtiye in Trabzon is another argument that confirms the sources apart from poems. When poems and sources apart from poems are compared in regard to the histories of constructions, we have two remarkable sources: First one is a historical poem written by Emin Hilmî about Trabzon Rushtiye. According to the source found on the website of Trabzon Directorate of National Education written about this school (trabzon.meb.gov.tr/meb.../18114622_20102014stratejikplansonhaliha zir), it is indicated that Pasha opened that school in 1852. However, it is clear that this date is likely to be wrong when we consider the years when Pasha worked as a governor in the city. H.1280 year in the poem is dated to M.1863-64 so that it addresses the first period when Muhlis Pasha were tasked with governorship in Trabzon. Second one is another historical poem written by Emin Hilmî about Erzurum Idadi. The date of establishment of Erzurum Military High School is shown as 1872 in both related letter on the website of Land Forces Command and Zeynal 2014. But in the Hilmî's poem, history is referred to as the 1873. According to abjad and verse formed as 'tam tarih', there is no fault either in 'aruz' or mathematically in terms of calculating the date. As is known, in Ottoman architecture there is commonly an epigraph in front elevation part of the buildings. By reason of the fact that these epigraphs were written by poets, some of their divans are provided in the form of historical poems. As far as we can identify, the poet who wrote the epigraph of the place gets the same poem among his divans: Refî-i Kâlâyî (Kavala). While our article is still about historical poems written about madrasah and schools, it is seen that different places are mentioned in some of the poems. For instance, the madrasah in Kavala is located in a 'kulliye', we can attain other educational places such as library, school, classroom and cell in the verses. Or the information that the school was built on a farm is given in the text while speaking of Bursa Agricultural School. It is possible to have information about school degrees through poems as well: ‘madrasah’ in Kavala appears in the title and a couplet of the poem; ‘rushtiye’ in Rhodes appears in one of the couplets in the poem; ‘rushtiye’ in Trabzon appears in the title of the poem; ‘idadi’ in Erzurum appears in the title and a couplet of the first poem; but it appears only in a couplet of the second poem; ‘ziraat mektebi’ and ‘idadi-i mülkiye’ in Bursa appears in the titles of both poems; ‘mekteb-i inas’ in Resmo appears in the title of the poem and in a couplets in the form of ‘kız mektebi’; ‘idadi’ appears in the title and all couplets as radif of the poem. The adjectives describing the constructions are considerably remarkable as well: ‘Ra’nâ’, ‘nev’, ‘zîbende’, ‘metîn’, ‘a’lâ’, ‘nevîn’, ‘âlî’ are frequently used in these poems. Considering the way of calculating dates according to abjad calculation system and types of date; 'cevher tarih' is stated in three poems (Rhodes, Bursa, and Resmo) and rest of the poems are mentioned as exact date. ‘Tam tarih’ information is mentioned only in one poem (Bursa Ziraat Mektebi). It is not mentioned in other poems but it is clear and can be understood. In one of these poems, both verses in the last couplet state 'cevher tarih'. In other cevher and exact dates, the date is stated only in the second verse of the last couplet (Kavala). These findings show that many educational institutions that were constructed in a lot of centres of population apart from Istanbul in 19th century have a characteristic feature reflected to the historical poems in literature world of that period. When you lead in multiple reading by considering divan poems as having the characteristics of ‘open work’, it is possible to obtain various Ottoman culture history oriented data. It is possible to think and question the data through aforementioned poems as long as you are conscious of evaluating sophisticatedly and having the ability of considering the matter from a different angle without being satisfied with only one angle. Because poem is such a distinctive literary work owing to its features of memory including zeitgeist and plurality in it.


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