15. Yüzyıl divan şairi Hamdullah Hamdî'nin hamsesi içerisinde Yûsuf u Zelîhâ mesnevisi en güzel eser olarak kabul edilmektedir. Eserde sadece aşka dönük bir hikâye işlenmemiş, aynı zamanda devrin sosyal hayatı aktarılmaya çalışılmış, bununla birlikte sosyal ve ahlakî mesajlar da verilmeye gayret edilmiştir. Eser Anadolu sahasında yazılmış edebî değer taşıyan ilk Yusuf u Zeliha mesnevisi olmakla ayrı bir önem taşımaktadır. Mesnevide Hamdullah Hamdî'nin duygu dünyasının izlerine rastlamak da mümkündür. Mesnevinin konusu için çok büyük bir araştırma ve inceleme gayretine giren Hamdî, İranlı şair Molla Câmî'nin aynı adı taşıyan eserinden büyük oranda faydalanmıştır. Bunun yanında Kitab-ı Mukaddesi, Kuran-ı Kerim'de yer alan Yûsuf Suresini, devrinin en mühim Kur'ân tefsirlerini, kendisine kaynak edinmiştir. Şiirin ölçü ve kafiye gibi unsurlara dayanması Kur'ân-ı Kerim'in anlamının şekil içerisine sıkıştırılmasının nazım açısından tercümeye engel teşkil edeceği kanaati sonucunda divan şiirinde tercih edilen ayet iktibası Hamdî'nin Yusuf u Zeliha mesnevisine ait nüshalarda da kendisini göstermektedir. Edebî özelliğinden dolayı yurt içi ve yurt dışında mesnevinin çok sayıda nüshası tespit edilmiştir. Diğerlerine göre özellikle Kastamonu Yazma Eserler Kütüphanesi veri tabanında "37 Hk 1064/1" arşiv numarasıyla kayıtlı olan ve "Şânî" mahlaslı bir müstensih tarafından H. 955/M. 1547 tarihinde istinsah edilen nüshada Yusuf Suresinden oldukça fazla ayet iktibası yapıldığı görülmektedir. Bu çalışmada adı geçen nüshanın tanıklığında iktibas edilen ayetler ve bu ayetlere anlamca eş değer olan beyitler verilmeye çalışılmıştır. Böylelikle Hamdî'nin Yûsuf u Zelîhâ mesnevisine konu olan olayların Yusuf Suresine ve Kur'ân-ı Kerim tefsirlerine olan uygunluğu adı geçen nüshanın referansında ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır


The Yusuf and Zeliha masnavi is regarded as the most beautiful work in the 15th century divan poet Hamdullah Hamdî’s hamse. In the work, not only a story addressed to love was processed, but the social life of the era as well; however, social and moral messages were tried to be given. The work holds another importance with being the first Yusuf u Zeliha masnavi that carries a literary value written in the field of Anatolia. It is also possible to come across the traces of Hamdullah Hamdî’s world of emotion. Hamdî, who had made an effort for a great research and study for the masnavi subject, benefited from the Iranian poet Molla Câmî’s work of the same name to a great extent. Besides, he used the Bible, the Sura of Yusuf in Koran, the most important Koran commentaries as source for himself. As the result of the conviction that the poem is based on the elements such as rhythm and rhyme and that the meaning of Koran is tightened into the shape pose obstacle for translation in terms of poetry, the verse quotation preferred in the divan poetry shows itself in the Yusuf u Zeliha masnavi. With rergard to the course of the event told in the masnavi, following some couplets, these verses quoted from the Sura of Yusuf, which support these couplets by means and which are as the evidence of the event told, are of great importance in terms of the work. Numerous copies of the masnavi were found domestically and abroad due its literary feature. A great number of quotations from the Sura of Yusuf are seen to be made in the copy registered with the archive number “37 Hk 1064/1” particularly at the Kastamonu Library of Manuscripts data base, with respect to other copies and in the copy copied in H. 955/M. 1547 by a scriber with a pen name “Şânî”. The lines composing the masnavi in the copy written with a legible, pointed naskh were written with black ink; the parts, titles of the masnavi, verses and hadiths in it were written in red ink. There are 15 lines consisting of two lines side-by-side on each page. The text was taken into a ruler, and then divided into two separate columns, and each line of the couplet being side-by-side was written to a column. The “vakf el-hacc Hasan” line was installed to the starting part of this copy beginning with the title “Kıssa-i Yūsuf Aleyhi’s-selām”. Each leaf of the copy was arranged as “a and b” in a two-page sheet and the takibe/rabıta mark was placed in the lower left part of the “a” page. The best way to give Koran as a reference for things described in the divan poetry is to quote from the verse. Many divan poets used this way in their works as the occasion arose. Hamdî’s Yusuf u Zeliha masnavi, which has been read and copied to a great extent due to its literary feature, contains verse quotations from the Sura of Yusuf according to the narration and flow of events for the reason that it took its source from Koran and Koran commentaries. Particularly, it is seen that the verses from 4 to 101 of the Sura of Yusuf were quoted by scribers in the copy registered with the archive number “37 Hk 1064/1” at the Kastamonu Library of Manuscripts data base. These verses quoted were written just below the couplets that are equivalent to it in meaning, and convey quality of substantiation of the narrative in the masnavi. In this study, the verses quoted in the testimony of the copy mentioned and the couplets that are equivalent to these verses in meaning were attempted to be given. Thus, the suitability of the events that are subject to Hamdî’s Yûsuf u Zelîhâ masnavi for the Sura of Yusuf and the Koran commentaries was attempted to be revealed in the reference of the copy mentioned.


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