Sosyokültürel ve ekonomik gelişmelerde, ilerleme, konuşurların standart dillerinin oluşmasına ve dil gelişimine yardımcı olur. Çünkü bu iki unsur meslekleşme yani, meslek birliğinin ve grupların oluşmasını sağlar. Bilim ve teknolojide ilerleme, beraberinde yaşamsal bir zenginlik getirir. Bu zenginlik hayatın her şubesine aks eder. Bu yaşam şubelerinin başında da dil gelir. Yapılan yeni keşifler, icatlar ve kavramlar, tanımlanmak için bilinçli ve kontrollü kelime oluşturma eylemine götürür. Yeni kelime yapma yollarından birisi de fiillerden yararlanmadır. Gelibolulu Mustafa Alî'nin Kayseri Râşid Efendi kütüphanesindeki nüshası Râhatu'n-Nüfûs'ta yer alan Aslî (çekirdek) Fiillerin Yardımcı Fiil Olarak Kullanılmaları'na yer verildi. Bu fiillerin açıklamaları yapılarak, içinde bulundukları cümleler aktarıldı. Özellikle Türkçe isimlerle oluşturulan bileşik fiillere değinildi. Türkçe fiil bir Türkçe isimle kullanılabildiği gibi, yabancı isimlerle de kullanılmıştır. Bir fiiller zengini olan Türk dilinin XVI. yüzyılda (Râhatu'n-Nüfûs'ta) hangi aslî fiillerin yardımcı fiil olarak kullanıldığı ve ayrıca bu çekirdek fiillerin mecaz ve terim anlamlarına değinildi. Asıl fiillerin de yardımcı fiil olarak kullanıldığı Râhatu'n-Nüfûs'ta görülmektedir. Râhatu'n-Nüfûs, Gelibolulu Mustafa Alî tarafından XVI. yüzyılda yazılmış yarı tercüme yarı te'lif bir bâh-nâmedir. Makalede, bâh-nâme ilgili bilgi verildi. Bâh-nâmelerin cinsel sağlığı ve cinselliği anlatan eserler olmanın yanı sıra; anatomi, farmakoloji, zooloji, botanik ve halk edebiyatı disiplinleriyle sıkı bir ilişki içinde olduğu, bu durumda, yazmaların bir ansiklopedi niteliği taşıdığı vurgulandı. Tarihî Türk bilim dilinin gün ışığına çıkarılmada, önemli bir rol oynayabileceği görüşü ifade edildi


In socio-cultural and economic development helps, progress, the formation of speakers of standard language and language development. Because these two elements leads to the formation of groups that professionalization, professional unions. Progressing in scientific and technological brings a vital wealth with it. This richness is reverberate in every branch of life. At the beginning of the life branch comes language. Made new discoveries, inventions and concepts, take conscious action to create a controlled vocabulary identified. One of the ways of to make new words is should make use of the verb. It was given using the auxiliary verb to act as principal that is located copy Râhatun-Nüfus in the library of master Raşid copy Râhatu’n-Nüfus of Mustafa Ali from Gallipolli. The sentence in which they were transferred with making explanations of these acts. Especially, it addressed the verbs formed with Turkish names. Turkish verb is also used with foreign names, that can be used with a Turkish names. Râhatu’n-Nüfus is half translate and half copyright bahname which was written from Mustafa Ali from Gallipolli in XVI. century. There was informed about bahname in the article. In addition to being works as describing sexual health and sexuality of Bahname, in this case was emphasized that nature of writing an encyclopedia move such as; anatomy, pharmacology, zoology, botany and closely associated with folk literature discipline. When considered in this context Bahname can provide a significant contribution in terms of historical linguistic science of Turkish and culture. Bahname’s had written in a simplified language compared to the other works of period to make more people understand. which is why they are written in simple and intelligible form, that is why they are different from classical manuscripts. In terms of linguistic material these works include the linguistic features of its age. The function of the main verb and the auxiliary verb which are the cornerstone or anatomy of languages has been observed in a rich and concrete form.As a result, in this research, it has been detected that the main verbs serve as auxiliary verbs by gaining auxiliary verb feature. In Râhatu’n-nüfûs the main verbs also used as auxiliary-like verbs in necessary situations. It has been observed that main verbs could take the functional and formal features as auxiliary verbs do. The viewpoint of bringing historical Turkish scientific language to the light has been expressed. Evaluating bâh-names in this context, the viewpoint of the contribution to historical Turkish scientific language and its culture has been remarked. In the copy, which is in Kayseri Râşid Efendi Library, it can clearly be observed that Mustafa Ali of Gallipoli’s work witnessed the period which is the Râhatu’n-Nüfûs was written in. It was remarked that it makes the work privilege because of being written by Ali and being of a medical work. In Râhatu’n-Nüfûs, it has been observed that the verbs, which were actively used in old Turkish but not in modern standard Turkish however still active in local Anatolian dialects, such as irgür-, yu-, yur-, sindür-, karıl-, were used. In the work, although Arabic and Persian orthographic rules were dominant, Turkish originated verbs were actively used. In addition to the usage of main verbs, the usage of auxiliary verbs is quite active. It is confirmed in many examples that verbs such as artur-, bit-, bitür-, bulın-, çek-, çöz-, dön-, dut-, gel-, gör-, göster-, getür-, ķal-, ķon-, ķoy-, tut-, ur-, uza-, var-, vir-, yitcombined with a noun and served as auxiliary verbs. In other words, the auxiliary verbs were formed by the noun based verbs. The maturation of Turkish after the conquest of Istanbul shows its feature of being standardized up on Râhatu’n-Nüfûs as it does on other scientific works. It can clearly be observed that, the approval norms of standardized language in the period that, the Râhatu’n-Nüfûs was written in, in XVI century, the main verbs were used as auxiliary verbs. In addition, they are associated with many discipline further increases the value of the existing terms of their historical Turkish language of science and culture. In generally, describing historical medical texts, and in particularly sexual health and sexuality of Bahnames’, perhaps, the knowledge that they deserve to see issues were expressed in terms of content. Mustafa Ali form Gallipolli’s “who consider as wise man served many years in center of Ottoman geograph created to many works and studied different type of piecies” Râhatu’n-Nüfûs Bahname enrichs to this sort. This work as in many field, especially, has significant value in historical Turkish language of science and culture. Also fed bâhnâme studies from other science by subtracting the light of the day can be a source of many Glossary, it was expressed brought to light the necessity of the question being scanned of Bahnames.
