Çocuklarda okuma alışkanlığını geliştirmek için çocukların ilgi ve gereksinmelerine uygun; onlarda okuma isteği uyandıran, nitelikli yazınsal kitapları seçmek gerekmektedir. Resimli çocuk kitapların niteliği, çocuk edebiyatı yapıtlarında bulunması gereken tasarım ve içerik özelliklerinin incelenmesiyle belirlenmektedir. Resimli çocuk kitaplarının tasarım özellikleri kapsamında, kitabın boyutu, kâğıt yapısı, kapak ve ciltleme, sayfa düzeni, harfler ve resimleme yer almaktadır. İçerik özellikleri kapsamında ise konu, izlek, karakter, dil ve anlatım, ileti ve çevre yer almaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, Yalvaç Ural'ın şiirlerini yazdığı, Feridun Oral'ın resimlerinin yer aldığı "Mırname: Büyüklere Kedi Şiirleri" adlı kitabın tasarım özellikleri ve içerik özellikleri incelenerek, 812 yaş grubu çocukların dilsel, bilişsel, toplumsal ve kişilik gelişimlerine katkısı açısından değerlendirmektir. Bu çalışmada, nitel araştırma yöntemlerinden doküman inceleme tekniği kullanılmıştır. Çalışmada veri analizi "Mırname: Büyüklere Kedi Şiirleri" kitabından elde edilmiştir. Çocuk edebiyatı yapıtı "betimsel çözümleme" yöntemi kullanılarak çözümlenmiştir. Sonuç olarak, kitaptaki resimler ve şiirler, 8-12 yaş çocukların dilsel, bilişsel, toplumsal ve kişilik gelişimlerini destekleyebilir, onların işitme, bakma, görme, imgeleme yetilerini geliştirmesine olanak sağlayabilir; soyut kavramları algılamalarına ve yorumlamalarına katkı verebilir. Diğer yandan çocukların farklı edebiyat türlerinden şiiri ve görsellerinde yer alan farklı sanat akımlarını tanımalarına olanak tanıyabilir. Ayrıca kitabın içeriğinde yer alan kedi imgeleriyle, çocuk kendisi dışında çevresinde bulunan diğer kişi ve canlılara yönelik olumlu farkındalık kazanabilir


Appropriate to the interests and needs of children to develop reading habits in children; it is necessary to choose quality literary books that will make them want to read. The quality of picture books is determined by examining the design and content characteristics that must be found in children's literature works. The design features of picture books include the size of the book, the paper structure, coverand binding, page layout, letters and illustrations. Content features include subject, track, character, language-narration, message and environment. The aim of this study was to examine the design features and content features of the book "Mırname: Büyüklere Kedi Şiirleri", which Feridun Oral's paintings, written by Yalvaç Ural, are written in order to contribute to children's linguistic, cognitive, social and personality development to evaluate. In this study, document review technique was used as qualitative research methods. The data analysis in the study was derived from the book "Mırname: Büyüklere Kedi Şiirleri". Children's literature is analyzed using "descriptive analysis" method. As a result, the pictures and poems in the book can support the linguistic, cognitive, social and personality development of 8-12 year olds and allow them to develop their hearing, gazing, seeing and imagining skills; they can contribute to the perception and interpretation of abstract concepts. On the other hand it may allow children to recognize different artistic movements in visuals and poetry from different literary genres. Also, with the cats' inscriptions in the book's content, the child can gain positive awareness of other people and living things in and around him Everyday many new information is being added into the universe of human knowledge. Therefore, it is quite important to establish a greater interaction with the written culture of theperson. Children to follow new information, develop critical thinking skills for the purpose of enhancement of the power of thought shower and to acquire the culture of reading are required. To obtain the reading culture of the person reading the action is perceived as a basic requirement of life. For transforming skills of literacy and level of using language culture, stimuli should meet who helps to improve children’s thoughts and feelings. The poems has an exclusive place for the creation of a reading culture and loving literary texts by children. Picture books are included in the most stimulating factors that support the development of children. Studies define the role of picture books as follows, 1) The pictures on what is the thinking of there ader telling the reader developth eability to understand so as to develop the pictures of, 2) for the creation of literary meaning, the reader must develop the ability to understand the text, 3) the reader is considered to develop the ability to understand the relationship between imageand text. Additionally, 4)help children to draw the issue to their attention in reading a text also describes how to. All of these dimensions assist establishment of a connection between the visual and linguistic developments of children. Starting from the early childhood, picture books are very important for development of children in respect to lines, colors, shapes, styles and visual perception until the primary school age. Visual perception of the children that meet picture books with artistic qualifications at early ages, are supported. The aim of this study was to examine the design features and content features of the book "Mırname: Büyüklara Kedi Şiirleri" by Feridun Oral’s painting in which Yalvaç Ural's poems are written, and the content of 8-12 age group children's contribution to linguistic, cognitive, social and personality development to evaluate. In this study, qualitative research methods were used in the document review research design. The data analysis in the study was derived from the picture book “Mırname: Büyüklere Kedi Şiirleri”. The work of children's literature has been analyzed by using "descriptive analysis" method. The data obtained with this technique are given directly to the citations, the obtained data are arranged and interpreted and presented to the reader. In the study, the data were first described in a systematic and clear manner, the descriptions were explained, interpreted and the resultant relationships were investigated (Yıldırım and Şimşek, 2013, 256). In this study, a frame work was established for data analysis by way of the dimensions that are included in the conceptual frame work of there search. The conceptual frame work covered in the study was established in line with the characteristics that should be found in children's literature works. By examining the literature in this study, the characteristics that should be found in children's literature Works have been determined (Sever, 2013a; Sipe, 2001a). When we analyze the relation between the pictures and poems in this book, we see that the “separation” characteristic exist in this book out of the categories of “compliance” and “separation” Some of the pictures within the “separation” category are in conflict with the text wanted to be expressed in this work. Moreover, although the pictures are conflicting with the text they are in harmony. Pictures and poems may tell different stories as if these were a music work holding various melodies together in harmony. That means, the pictures given in this book do not reflect the same with the literary text (poems) but given by specific comment of the artist. In this book it is seen that sometimes the cat is drawn with human elements within the course of a cat life. The cats in this book create a new world beyond the children’s environment and reveal a different and new point of view on this newly created world and therefore make them bridge the real and fantastic world. These created new world support the rich imagination of children and give them the opportunity to create new stories or poems through pictures. Cat drawings, colors and life spaces also make contribution to their development in their esthetic, beauty and art aspects. So make them take visual art education from the first hand. When the poems in this book are reviewed, the subject is cat which is met and touched by children in their daily lives. In this literacy the place of the cats in our lives is given with a simple wording of poems. The poems in this book support the reading culture of children with a pure sincere diction. In this book many concepts like the world, environment and love are told with the point of view of cats. The poems “Nankör Kedi (Ungrateful Cat pg. 25), Kedi veYaşam (Cat and Life pg. 35) and Seramik Kedinin Şiiri (ceramic cat’s poem pg. 42) that tell people to look beyond what they see include messages which support the emotions of to see, to look and to feel and opinions of people and express that the necessity to be sensitive to all creatures. Mırname: the book named Cat Poems for Adults in rich linguistic abilities of children are high lighted and give them the opportunity to express themselves. For example in the Poem of Kedi veYıldız (Cat and the Star) a space is provided to express the richness of Turkish for children. KEDİ VE YILDIZ (CAT and the STAR) I count the stars,/Every night /One by one!/After without anyone sees /I collect the ones falling,/Before children sleep /I put them in their places./I keep only one of them./the Commet/Slily/to put it in their pockets (pg. 15). PİSİ PİSİ No one knows /what you live/while fed with cat food/some will have no name except pisipisi /the ones who live in streets (pg. 45). Could allow to gain sensitivity to the beings living on the streets. Children, from the hands of the right to life of any living being in this life comprehend the necessity to be taken. Gain a sensitivity to wards animals and children living on the streets of habitats may contribute to the regulation of animals. Cats; soulful, colourful and effective language for describing poems, children loving, being loved, separation, longing, such as emotions, may contribute to the layer of meaning to the universe. Starting from the early childhood, picture books are very important for development of children in respect to lines, colors, shapes, styles and visual perception until the primary school age. Therefore the picture poem book “Mırname: BüyüklereKediŞiirleri” support visual literacy and provide them to develop an esthetic point of view by also creating artistic sensitivity. These make children to gain values related to human, life, nature and help them to catch a harmony in life without othering him/herself and the others. Also these may direct the children to read literature works like poems in which there are rich nature descriptions, and with an enthusiastic style and artistic sensitivity against their imagination, lives, environment, animals and nature.


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