Didaktik edebiyatın bir türü olan parabol kahramanların insanlardan seçildiği bir atmosferde ders verici niteliği ile hem öğretme hem de eğlendirmeye dayalı doğası ile dikkat çeken bir tür metaforik kurmacadır. Bu çalışmada İhsan Oktay Anar'ın Efrâsiyâb'ın Hikâyeleriadlı eseriparaboller açısından bir değerlendirmeye tabi tutulmuştur. Yapılan incelemede Ölüm ve Cezzar Dede tarafından karşılıklı olarak anlatılan "Güneşli Günler", "Bidaz'ın Laneti", "Bir Hac Ziyareti", "Dünya Tarihi", "Ezine Canavarı", "Hırsızın Aşkı", "Şarap ve Ekmek" ve "Gökten Gelen Çocuk" adlarını taşıyan korku, din, aşk ve cennet konulu sekiz öykü çevresinde şekillenen anlatıda sözü edilen öykülerin taşıdığı kimi niteliklerle parabolik bir yapıya sahip olduğu saptanmış ve bu doğrultuda anlatıyı parabolik kılan nitelikler gerek çeviri faaliyeti gerekse yazınbilimi ve didaktik edebiyat üzerine yaptığı çalışmalar ile yazın dünyasına katkıda bulunan Sargut Şölçün'ün Tarih Bilinci ve Edebiyat Bilimi (1982) adlı kitabındaki "Didaktik Edebiyat ve Diyalektik" başlıklı yazısında didaktik edebiyatın bir türü olarak kategorize ettiği paraboller bağlamında bir incelemeye tabi tutulmuştur. Çalışmada Şölçün'ün görüşlerinden hareketle edebiyatın işlevi, didaktik edebiyatın kaynağı ve bu edebiyatı oluşturan türlere vurgu yapılarak bir tür olarak mesele karşılık gelen parabolün didaktik edebiyat kapsamında kazandığı anlam açıklığa kavuşturulacak ve İhsan Oktay Anar'ın Efrâsiyâb'ın Hikâyeleri adlı eseri bu bağlamda analiz edilecektir


Parable which is a genre of didactic literature is a kind of metaphorical fiction that draws attention with the nature of teaching and entertainment based on the nature of the parabolic heroes, which is selected from human beings. In this study the work called Efrasiyâb’ın Hikâyeleri of Ihsan Oktay Anar has been subjected to an evaluation in terms of parables. It has been determined that in the work taking form as part of eight stories about fear, religion, love and paradise called “Güneşli Günler”, “Bidaz’ın Laneti”, “Bir Hac Ziyareti”, “Dünya Tarihi”, “Ezine Canavarı”, “Hırsızın Aşkı”, “Şarap ve Ekmek” and “Gökten Gelen Çocuk” told by Ölüm and Cezzar Dede mutually of which the stories mentioned have a parabolic structure with having some characteristics and in this direction the characteristics making the narrative parabolic has been subjected to a research in the context of parables of which Sargut Solcun contributes to world of literature with translation activity and studies on poetics and didactic literature categorizes as a genre of didactic literature in the article titled "Didactic Literature and Dialectic" in the book called Tarih Bilinci and Edebiyat Bilimi (1982). The meaning of parable corresponds to parable as a genre within the context of didactic literature will be illuminated with emphasizing on function of literature, source of didactic literature and its genres with reference to the views of Sargut Solcun and the work called Efrâsiyâb’ın Hikâyeleri of Ihsan Oktay Anar will be analyzed in this context in the study Sargut Solcun is an important thoughtman contributing to world of literature with the studies on general literary science. Solcun is a productive scientist having studies on poetics and didactic literature. In this study the work called Efrâsiyâb’ın Hikâyeleri of Ihsan Oktay Anar will be analyzed in the context of which Sargut Solcun categorizes as a genre of didactic literature in the article titled "Didactic Literature and Dialectic" in the book called Tarih Bilinci and Edebiyat Bilimi (1982). In the study the meaning of parable as a genre within the context of didactic literature will be illuminated with emphasizing on function of literature, source of didactic literature and its genres with reference to the views of Sargut Solcun and the work called Efrâsiyâb’ın Hikâyeleri comprising of eight story about fear, religion, love and heaven of Ihsan Oktay Anar will be analyzed in this context. Solcun (1982) who loads a social function to literature with getting in contact with literature and society defines literature “having an attitude against in itself” (p. 132) and emphasizes the didactic function of literature with reference to the contribution of art activity to the communication and information between human beings. Solcun categorizes didactic literature as gnomic (byword) forms, parabolic forms and satirical forms. In this classification aphorism, epigram, essay, riddle and so on gnomic; fable and parabol parabolic; satir, parody and travesty constitute satiric forms. Parable as a genre of didactic literature corresponds in western languages to adage which means “sample, similar” (Devellioğlu, 2004, p. 625) in arabic and derives from parabole which means “comparison, similarity” in greek. Parable is used to mean a kind of long analogy based on a literary explanation of ancient Greek rhetoric art (AnaBritannica, p. 606). In the beginning parable used to have a meaning as a religious narrative story in the West and East in the world but over time it becomes widespread and essentially change gaining popularity. İt is possible to define parable whish is described as" mythological fiction in social sciences" (p. 232) by Gündüz (2012) as “a short story told to adopt moral or spiritual values” (AnaBritannica, s. 606) or as "a narrative that aims to convince the reader by illuminating a case study that is close to the symbol, giving a lecture, giving lessons" (p. 357) with Aytaç’s words (2009). The meaning of the parable in the context of didactic literature is distinguished from the traditional narrative genre, which attracts attention with its various meanings. Parable and fable resemble each other with being "fictional story based on a metaphor of moral teachings" (Hann) but there are some differences between each of them. Fables use non-human characters and contain a moral and ethical lesson. In the parables where people are chosen as characters, the fantastic world of fables turns into a realistic cloak and parables also includes a religious or spiritual /spiritual aspect with including a moral and ethical lesson like fables. Parables usually describe ordinary people who are faced with a moral dilemma or who have to make a moral decision and are negatively affected by the wrong darkness (Hann). Therefore, attitudes and behaviors exhibited by such people in the face of events are influential, and the manner in which these behaviors are given in the story is determinative. Similar to the fables, in parables in which the main idea is transmitted by the way of comparisons and analogies, the analogy is established not between society and man like in fables but between "a certain human behavior and human behavior in general" (AnaBritannica, p. 606). As can be understood from the similarity established, parables are closely related to universal human values. Fables and parables are based on the rooted vernacular culture, and the way of transferring the knowledge of these two traditional people to each other is different. The parables, which are more superficial than fables, add a mysterious tone to this reality and make it useful for teaching spiritual values (Fletcher, Maeno, Ichiko, 2008), as the fables are detailed, sharply observed and ultimately directed towards the social reality that brings the satire. Thus, unlike fables (Şölçün, 1982, p. 134), which provide material from the complexities and problems of practical life, the social essence in parables does not go beyond a medium used to convey the message to be given. Parables, like fables, have an ironic side in their essence, which is "the dual nature of both teaching and recreation as well as the general characteristic of didactic literature" (Solcun, 1982, p. 134). In the parable, irony becomes a tool of teaching and recreation beyond being a "criticism and entertainment tool" (Gökmen, 2015, p. 1087). But there is no criticism of the order made by making distances between the writer and the text by making the animals that draw attention in the fabrics in parables. Parable is a didactic kind of criticism that precedes the system of humane values. In this article in which the work called Efrâsiyâb’ın Hikâyeleri of Ihsan Oktay Anar has been analyzed in terms of parables which is a genre of didactic literature. it has been understood that the stories in the narration excluding “Güneşli Günler” and “Hırsızın Aşkı” enable to be approached as part of parabol with various aspects. In the mentioned stories it has been determined that given lesson in the stories has been ironically transmitted through the people, a similarity relationship has been established in the context of a case study with reference to prominent human behaviour and the stories having parodic items have beeen shaped in a fabulous atmosphere although it has seen fantasy items in the stories from time to time. In the narration the stories called “Bidaz’ın Laneti”, “Ezine Canavarı” and “Gökten Gelen Çocuk” contains a moral; “Bir Hac Ziyareti”, “Dünya Tarihi” and “Şarap ve Ekmek” a religious lesson.. As a result, in the article it was determined that Efrâsiyâb’ın Hikâyeleri which is taken with the frame storytelling, is a parabolic narrative in a general sense, and that this narrative feature overlaps with the writing attitude of Ihsan Oktay Anar. This aspect of narrative in the stories which ironic narration with the fabulous and fantastic items is noteworthy making Efrasiyab’ın Hikâyeleri parabolic. The ironic style, which draws considerable attention in the author's other novels and is capable of a critical functioning, becomes a teaching nature in the functional context as parable parallel, a kind of didactic literature in Efrâsiyab’ın Hikâyeleri. In this respect Ihsan Oktay Anar, brings a different opening to parable which is a traditional narrative type in a postmodern world.


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