Aristo'dan bu yana çok hızlı bir seyir izleyen poetika kavramı, zamanla dünya çapında önemli bir disiplin halini almıştır. Günümüzde daha çok şiir incelenmesiyle özdeşleşen, onun biçimini, içeriğini, üslubunu ve estetiğini kapsayarak bir örneğe bağlı kalmaksızın ortaya koyan poetika; edebiyatın varoluşuyla ortaya çıkan, gelişen ve zamanla değişik manalar kazanan bir bilimdir. Tarihî olaylar, felsefi yaklaşımlar ve sosyal değişmeler poetikaları etkiler. Edebiyat sosyolojisi, edebiyattoplum denklemini kurmakta ve her iki alanın birbirine etkilerini ve katkılarını karşılıklı ilişki düzleminde ortaya koymaktadır. Edebi esere odaklı bir toplum araştırması, edebiyat sosyolojisinin çıkış noktasını oluşturur. Edebiyat; tarih, psikoloji, sosyoloji, felsefe gibi birçok bilim dallarıyla ilişkili olan bir alandır. "İnsani ilişkilerin anlam bulduğu yer, bir ilişkiler yumağı içerisinde bulunduğu yerdir. Sosyal ortam adı verilen bu organizasyonda fertle toplumun birlikteliği kaçınılmazdır." Hem gerçekte, hem de kurgu metinlerde bireyin sosyokültürel yanı ve psikolojik dünyası, metnin anlatım akışına yansıtılır ve dolayısıyla anlatımın poetik vasıtaları, yazarın dili yanında; eserde kurulmak istenen dünyanın sosyolojik çıkarımları olur. Her yazar ve ondan hareketle aslında her toplum bilindiği gibi kendi okumak istediği eserleri yaratır. Bu Dede Korkut ve Köroğlu metinleri için de geçerlidir. Her iki metin de insanların okumak ya da olmak istediği kahraman figürlerini, baba, anne, dost anlatımını, aşk ve uğraş penceresini içlerinde barındırmaktadır. Destan ise, yalnızca bir kişinin ya da yazarın değil, bir milletin ortak dehasının ve yaratımının mahsulüdür. Türk Edebiyatının kadim örneklerinden Dede Korkut Kitabı ile Köroğlu, sözlü edebiyat geçmişleri boyunca yaşayan toplumu yansıtarak yazıya geçirildikleri için, toplumsal hayatların dönemsel özelliklerini net ve açık şekilde gözler önüne sermektedirler


The concept having developed rapidly from Aristoteles to our time has gradually improved as a worldwide discipline. Poetics, which identies with analysing of poems in our today, studies subjects including its form, content, style and aesthetic without depending on a certain example is a science emerging by the birth of literature, developing, and turning into the study of literary genres in time. Historical events, philosophical approaches and social changes influence poetics. Sociology of literature, literature and society, and to establish both the field equation to each other in the plane of mutual relationships and the effects of contributions reveals. Literary work-oriented society, creates the sociology literature out point. Literature; history, psychology, sociology, philosophy, as can be seen in many subsequent science is a field that is associated with the branch. Where it finds the meaning of "Humanitarian Affairs, is a bundle of relationships included. This organization called the Association of the community social environment it is inevitable that fertle. " And in reality, as well as the world of fiction texts as well as the individual's sociocultural and psychological, are reflected in the narrative flow of the text and, therefore, in addition to the author's language means of poetic narrative; the sociological implications of the requested installation in the world. Every writer and motion actually wants to read as it is known by every society creates works of their own.That Dede Korkut and Kohn also applies to texts. Both of these people read text or want to heroes figures, father, mother, friend, lecture on love and finding the inside of the window. At the same time these two important works in almost all of the narratives of the past by non-stop gawking and coming by. When you are not with a quick filling transition between events rather than the way it is presented to the reader. But this fast pass each word where it should be. Aesthetically perfect of a sentence, a paragraph, or a dialogue on a regular basis and completed as it should be your epi is a must in this text. Besides this basic understanding, social habits, family conflicts and transmitted from the past and mirror all this language quest theme, of Dede Korkut and coupled with his writing style, Koroglu reader every time it is a realistic fiction and fictional comes back and forth between a real Objective: An epic is a productıon of a nation. It has no poet but is the production of the living culture of a nation. Both the ancient examples of Turkish literature The Book of Dede Korkut and Koroglu tell us the social life of the period that they were written. Today, Turkish clans that are spread out a very broad geography from middle Asia to Balkans have an epic tradition, based on a long past. Some of the epical tellings are in common in Turkish clans. Some of these tellings have reached today by being told some of them in written, some both written and oral, some in only oral tradition. Method: These laws, occuring and developing in accordance with social, cultural, economic, psychological conditions which are unique to each society, helps to keep the society in order and ensures its safety. Literary Works have a sociological value in terms of involving social subjects. Altough Literature and Sociology are different discipline, they need eachother for introducing the socio-cultural aspects of an era. There is a close dialog between literature and sociology from the viewpoints of methodology, interaction and scales along with the concrete signs; such as contribution of literature to the sociological researches, sociology science sourcing the literature. Other than that; religion, mythological values, behavioral forms, and all kind of natural events takes part by their reflections in the literature. With extraordinary qualities, epic heroes are of ideal types of societies. Extraordinary qualities attributed to epic hero are mainly stated by social symbols. Koroglu is one of the common cultural products of Turkish world. The epic of Köroğlu is one of the most loved epics which reaches today from long centuries and stil keeps its place of importance in narration tradition. It is an epical work that left deep influences over Turkish world and over nations lived together with Turks for long centuries. It is a monument, binding the past and the present. Even today when taken into consideration of the wideness of its narreted and listened geographical area its importance from the view of maintaining the cultural integrity between Turks will be understood much beter. It is difficult to come across such a work which maintains its vitality and dynamism with a wide performance area in the lives of other nations. For this reason, while doing research, and producing ideas on Köroğlu, it is important to consider all the geographies that the Turks inhabit, and all the cultures around. Because of this, we the other variant, according to relatively stranded Bulgarian Variant. There are many versions of Koroglu Epic in Bulgaria. Many of them are translated Turkey Turkish but still there are not sufficient scientific researches in this area. Dede Korkut came Kayı or Bayat clans of Oguz, as he notifies from past and from future he’s “a Saint who has kidness” for a rumored. He’s known as “masters of poets” or “leader of poets”. On the other hand, the ancestor of both the Turkish tribes of Dede Korkut and genius. Turkish epics and folk stories, on behalf of Dede Korkut and his miraculous it is always possible to come across as saying. The Turkish rulers of mentor and Queen are known to be the sole representative of all Turks of Dede Korkut and today is his ancestors worked to be kept alive.The epic struggles of many folk hero featured described in Dede Korkut; beautiful and wise words, the Turks belong to the rumors, han and bey are as eulogy, Turkish belong to many topics, pruning has to praise good villains criticism.Dede Korkut was the epic accounts of Oğuz Turks. The form of it is accepted to be epic poem or folklore ballad. It was written in both verse and prose mixed but the verse parts look like prose rather than verse. The languages of these tales have the peculiarity of Ancient Anatolian Turkish and Azerbaijani dialect. In this study, the structure of the text of the Dede Korkut and poetics in Koroglu some conclusion on the belief and value systems of people who created these telling, their political and social structure, mythic curiosity, universe and perception of object are reached.Conclusion: The article said the purpose of the saga from the instance, the feelings across the community of situations on and reveal the results. On behalf of the psychoanalytic literature function of sociology, interested in resolving. In the epic character of the State and to the people of today in the face of events similar to the reactions of human psychology, community psychology is reflected in and to our right and that saga is transferred to a lean way. Finding: As a result, the text of the saga, which is based on the formation of hundreds of years, and even to the present day in the historical process also shed light on the situation and social event, you can obtain information about the transmission of tradition is extremely common. No period of history of Dede Korkut an epic of Koroglu expressive power or influence has not lost anything. Unlike both of Dede Korkut and Koroglu poetik attitudes always recited by another to complete reading has promised even more meaning and depth. For example, Koroglu historic personality rather than a long-standing cultural treasure for centuries for us. Because these works of art is unique and original to the extent the world is reinterpreting the values on the axis to explain ours


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