Her edebi eser döneminin edebi dilini anlamak için çok değerli bir kaynaktır. Edebi dilin, devrin sosyal, siyasal ve kültürel anlayışına göre şekillenmesinden dolayı edebi eserler üzerinde yapılan tetkikler tüm bu alanlarla ilgili önemli çıkarımlar yapılmasını sağlar. Son 150 yılda Türk toplum hayatında büyük değişimler yaşanmıştır. Tanzimat Döneminde başlayan reformların önemli bir ayağı da dilde sadeleşmedir. Dilde sadeleşme hareketi neticesinde edebi dil, büyük oranda farklılaşmıştır. Osmanlı romancısının karşısında büyük sorunlar bulunuyordu. Yüzyıllardır şiir türü üzerine inşa edilmiş edebi dil, nesir yönünden gelişmemişti. Roman günlük hayatın dilini kullanmalıydı ama edebiyat için yetersiz görülüyordu, ağır Osmanlıcayı da halkın büyük bir kesiminin anlamadığı muhakkaktı. Halka ulaşmak isteyen roman yazarı, anlaşılmamak istemiyordu. Aynı zamanda Tanzimat aydını olan romancıların halkı eğitme gibi bir misyonlarının olduğu hesaba katılırsa anlaşılmamanın ne kadar büyük bir sorun olduğu görülebilir. Dilde sadeleşme hareketinin en çok eleştiri aldığı konuların başında yabancı kökenli sözcüklerin Türkçe'den çıkarılması neticesinde edebi dilin fakirleşeceği iddiasıdır. Yüzyıllardır edebi dilde kullanılan hatta günlük dile yerleşmiş birçok sözcüğün atılması şüphesiz eksiklik yaratacaktır. Yeni kelimeler türeterek üstesinden gelinebilse de, yeni kelimelerin kolayca kabullenilmemesi, birebir eski sözcükle aynı anlamda olmaması, ya da kelimenin çok "yapay" olması sebebiyle bu durum, dikkate değer zorluklar barındırmaktadır. Ayrıca eski kelimenin yerine konulan birçok kelime de anlaşılmamaktadır. Anlaşılmak, halkı eğitmek, kendine has bir edebi dil kurmak gayesinde olan roman, geçen yüzyılda büyük bir gelişme göstermiş ve bugün Türk Edebiyatının en çok ilgi çeken türü olmuştur. Bu çalışmada ilk polisiye romanla çağdaş bir polisiye roman karşılaştırılarak edebi dildeki 120 yıllık değişim analiz edilmeye çalışılmıştır.


Each literary work is a valuable resource to understand the literal language of theperiod. The literal language of the period has shaped by the social political and cultural understanding. The tests performed on the literary works provide important information on all these areas. Last 150 years Turkish society has experienced major changes. Language reform is the most important part of the Tanzimat reforms. As a result of the language reform, the literal language has been differed significantly. There were major problems against Ottoman novelist. Literary language that built on poetry for centuries had not been developed in terms of prose. Novel had to use usual language, but that language was in adequate and it was sure that people did not understand the high level of the Ottoman Turkish language. This was not a wanted circumstance for the novelist trying to reach more people. At the same time, considering that the Tanzimat intellectual novelists who have the mission of educating people it may be seen as a major problem of intelligibility. Main criticism of simplification of the language activity was the impoverishment of literary language via removing foreign origin words from Turkish. Removing many words that used in literary language and also in usual language for centuries creates a deficiency. Despite of deriving new words as covering, there are some significant difficulties such as acceptance of new words are not easy, literal sense is not the same as the old word or the new word is "artificial". A lot of words that put in place of the old word also has not been understood. The novel that in the purpose of being understand, educating society, establishing unique literary language, showed a great improvement in the last century and today is the most interested type of Turkish Literature. In this study the aim is to analyze the 120-year change in the literary language via comparison of the first detective novel and a modern detective novel. In this study it is attempted to analyze the language of the Tanzimat literature. Stories and novels for the first time have entered Turkish literature in Tanzimat period. It is important to know earlier period in order to understand the development of language of modern novels and stories. In this article first Turkish detective story "Esrar-ı Cinayat" by Ahmet Midhat Efendi -year 1884- has been compared with a modern detective story "Beyoğlu Rapsodisi" by Ahmet Ümit -year 2003-". Similar types of books have been selected to emphasize the changes in the vocabulary clearly. If it were analyzed for different species, depending on the change of subject, it would change the vocabulary. İstanbul is also the venue of both books. This situation increases the parallelism between these vocabularies. In this study, changes of Turkish language for 130 years have been studied by comparing the two books that have similar subjects and venues. The Turkish language has undergone major changes over the last 130 years. Language has been simplified by removing foreign words. The Ottoman Literature Language called "Osmanlıca" was an artificial language. This language consisted of Arabic, Persian and Turkish words. The large part of the public did not understand this language because of so much foreign words. Only the well-educated part of public could understand. Tanzimat literati has considered removing Arabic and Persian words from the language to reach the public. They had missions to educate the people, but the simplification of language was not easy. Turkish Language was not considered as a sufficient language for literature and also the literary Ottoman language was used for centuries. Language revolution is the most comprehensive simplification movement in Turkish.. Arabic and Persian words were removed from the language with the language revolution. Literary works have been started to written in the public language. Here in this study aimed to analyze that major difference between Tanzimat and modern literature languages. There are also studies earlier on the vocabulary but these studies are more generic. For example, these studies examined a poet or a writer's entire oeuvre, or analyzed changes in the language for many years. But in this study the two comparative literary works have been examined and the scope has been narrowed. This narrowed scope has given an opportunity to examine the argument in depth. In the first phase of the study each books have been examined separately and then in the second phase they have been compared to each other. As the first level of the study the words has been counted and then grouped according to their origins. 10,000 words have been included to the study from both novels randomly by selecting beginning, middle and the end parts of novels. The results are as follows: "Esrar-ı Cinayat" is composed of five percent of Persian, thirty percent of Arabic, fifty percent of Turkish origin words. Greek originated words are the highest value of the word frequency. Turkish is the first language for head words and third language with the word frequency of 9,3. The value is high because most of often repeated word groups such as pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions are Turkish originated. There are 1623 headwords totally. The average frequency of each word is 6,1. The most frequently used 10 words and 10 nouns are given in the tables of study. "Beyoğlu Rapsodisi" novel's findings are as follows: The book consists of 75 percent of Turkish, 10 percent of Arabic and thirdly 3,5 percent of Persian originated words. There are 1694 headwords in the novel and frequency of each word is 5,9. The frequency of the Turkish is 7.2. Word types of the novel also have been analyzed. French and English are included by only names. Arabic, Persian are included with names, conjunction and adverbs. Also Turkish is included pronouns, conjunctions and verbs. The most frequently used Turkish words includes nouns. Frequently used 10 words and nouns are given in the tables of the study. Arabic originated words are counted as 3216 in Esrar-ı Cinayat novel and as of 1142 in Beyoğlu Rapsodisi novel. French words are counted as 118 in Esrar-ı Cinayat novel and as of 268 in Beyoğlu Rapsodisi novel. There is nearly two times increase. Although English words do not exist in Esrar-ı Cinayat, Beyoğlu Rapsodisi includes 71 of English words. Esrar-ı Cinayat includes as half of Turkish headwords compared to Beyoğlu Rapsodisi but according to total use of words Esrar-ı Cinayat includes 5255 and Beyoğlu Rapsodisi includes 7371 Turkish words. It is nearly two of thirds. Words of 11 different language composes both vocabulary of novels. Word frequency of each words is 6,1 in Esrar-ı Cinayat and 5,9 in Beyoğlu Rapsodisi. Number of Headwords is 1623 in Esrar-ı Cinayat and 1694 in Beyoğlu Rapsodisi. 10.000 words was selected from each novels in the study, as a conclusion it is stated that headwords of each novels nearly the same. Number of Turkish verbs is 175 in Esrar-ı Cinayat and 343 in Beyoğlu Rapsodisi. Words such as pronouns, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions except nouns and verbs are examined in topic of "assigned words". Number of Turkish originated assigned words is 53 in Esrar-ı Cinayat and 59 in Beyoğlu Rapsodisi. Number of foreign originated assigned words is 34 in Esrar-ı Cinayat and 18 in Beyoğlu Rapsodisi. Number of foreign originated nouns is 1015 in Esrar-ı Cinayat and 522 in Beyoğlu Rapsodisi. Number of headwords is 1623 in Esrar-ı Cinayat and 1694 in Beyoğlu Rapsodisi and frequency is 6,1 and 5,9 respectively. Number of Arabic originated words is 303 in Esrar-ı Cinayat and 828 in Beyoğlu Rapsodisi. As considering number of headwords, it may be concluded that existence of Arabic words in Turkish decreased as 1 of 3 at this time period. Number of Persian words are close for each novel; 90 words in Esrar-ı Cinayat and 109 in Beyoğlu Rapsodisi. Number of French words is 19 in Esrar-ı Cinayat and 100 in Beyoğlu Rapsodisi, increases nearly five times. Although English headwords do not exist in Esrar-ı Cinayat, Beyoğlu Rapsodisi includes 34 of English headwords. Number of İtalian headwords is 6 in Esrar-ı Cinayat and 20 in Beyoğlu Rapsodisi. Number of Turkish headwords is 564 in Esrar-ı Cinayat and 1013 in Beyoğlu Rapsodisi, nearly increase of two times. In the Conclusion part of the study, all comparisons have been argued in details.
