Cumhuriyet döneminde yeni ulus devlet ve toplum yapısının inşasında ve bireylerin yetiştirilmesinde eğitime önemli bir misyon yüklenmiştir. Bu bağlamda modern devlet, yeni bir eğitim anlayışı doğrultusunda okullaşma, öğretim programları, ders kitapları, öğretmenler ve benzeri boyutlar üzerinde hassasiyetle durmuştur. Ders kitapları, bir toplumdaki egemen düşünce, eğilim, inanç ve değerleri yansıtan bir kaynak olarak son derece stratejik bir öneme sahiptir. Öğrencilere belirli bilgi, beceri ve davranışların kazandırılmasında yaygın bir şekilde işlev gören ders kitapları, ulusal eğitim hedeflerinin gerçekleştirilmesinde etkili bir araç olarak kullanılmaktadır. Ders kitapları aynı zamanda öğretmenler ve öğrenciler için de rehberlik edici metinlerdir. Din dersi kitapları, hem öğrencilerin dini bilgi elde edebilecekleri birincil kaynak, hem de öğretmenler için din öğretiminde sınırları belirleyen araç olma özelliğine sahiptirler. Bu çalışmada, Cumhuriyet döneminde din ve ahlak dersleri öğretim programları doğrultusunda 1924-1982 tarihleri arasında okullarda kullanılan ders kitapları ele alınmaktadır. Bibliyografik bir inceleme olan bu çalışma, din ve ahlak dersi kitaplarının bir bütünlük içerisinde tespitini ve ders kitapları üzerine çalışma yapacak araştırmacılara kolaylık sağlamayı amaçlamaktadır. Araştırma, ders kitaplarının içeriğini kapsamamakta, sadece onların tespitine odaklanmaktadır. 1924-1982 yılları arasında Milli Eğitim Bakanlığı tarafından uygun bulunan 73 din dersi kitabı ile 63 ahlak dersi kitabı tespit edilmiş ve liste halinde çalışmanın sonuna eklenmiştir.


In Republic period, education had been undertaken a mission in construction of new nation state and community structure and educating individuals. In this context, modern Turkey has been overemphasized on schooling, curriculums, textbooks, teachers and other dimensions in the direction of a new education understanding. Texbooks, as a source which reflect dominant thought, tendency, beliefs and values in a society, has a highly strategical importance. Textbooks are being used as an effective tool in realization of educational goals, in addition to their functions which provide certain knowledge, upskill and shape behaviors. They are aslo guiding texts for students and teachers. Religious education textbooks have a feature both primary sources which students can obtain religious knowledge and tool which determine the borders in religious instruction for teachers. In this study, textbooks which had been used in accordance with religious and ethics education curriculum between 1924-1982 in schools in republic period, are being examined. This study, as a bibliographical research, aims to integrally identify religious and ethics courses textbooks and to provide convenience to researchers who are going to study on them. The study is not comprising contents of the textbooks, just focusing on identifying them. 73 religius course textbooks, 63 ethics course textbooks which approved by Ministry of National Education between 1924-1982 have been identified and listed in the end of the study The question of religious education along with republic history in Turkey consist of a very contradictive field. However, the processes which Turkey have lived in the area of religious education provided rich experiences about how religious education can be designed in schools. In order to follow the progress of state policies about religion and religious education and to understand how religious understanding the state prioritize, focusing on the contents of religious course curriculums and textbooks have a potential which presenting us valuable and detailed informations. In this context, we can substantially see official religious understanding of the state reflected on textbooks within the frame of its policies. In Republic period, education had been undertaken a mission in construction of new nation state and community structure and educating individuals. In this regard, modern Turkey has been overemphasized on schooling, curriculums, textbooks, teachers and other dimensions in the direction of a new education understanding. Texbooks, as a source which reflect dominant thought, tendency, beliefs and values in a society, has a highly strategical importance. Textbooks are being used as an effective tool in realization of educational goals, in addition to their functions which provide certain knowledge, upskill and shape behaviors. They are aslo guiding texts for students and teachers. Religious education textbooks have a feature both primary sources which students can obtain religious knowledge and tool which determine the borders in religious instruction for teachers. In this study, textbooks which had been used in accordance with religious and ethics course curriculums between 1924-1982 in schools in republic period, are being examined. This study, as a bibliographical research, aims to integrally identify religious and ethics courses textbooks and to provide convenience to researchers who are going to study on them. Religious and ethics course textbooks which approved in the single party period identified by the way of related literature. As for multi party period, Ministry of National Education Announcements Magazines were mainly taken as reference. In the process of accession and investigation of textbooks benefited particularly from the Precideny of National Library Database. The study is not comprising contents of the textbooks, just focusing on identifying them. In the direction to 1924 primary and secondary, 1926 primary, 1930 city and village primary school curriculums, 11 primary and 5 secondary level textbooks (totally 16 textbooks) which approved by Ministry of National Education were identified in single party period. As well as some "Daru'l-Fünun" academic staffs such as Yusuf Ziya Yörükan, İzmirli İsmail Hakkı, Muallim Abdülbaki, as a publisher and owner of Hilmi Printing House İbrahim Hilmi Çığıraçan and as a religious course teacher Mehmet Ziya had taken on a task in the writing on these textbooks. All of the textbooks which written in the single party period have single writers and published in private publishing houses. Starting to teach religious courses in primary, secondary and high school level along with multi party period, increased the number of textbooks. As far as we identify, in this period at the level of primary 8 pieces, secondary 34 pieces and high school 15 pieces of textbooks (totally 57 textbooks) were recommended to schools as textbooks, supplementary books, source or reference books. The textbooks which were published between 1948-1982 was recommended to schools by the ministry and used for many years. 35 pieces of textbooks had single and 22 pieces had two or more writers at primary, secondary and high school level in this years. While religious course teachers took more part in writing the textbooks, also particularly academic staffs and assistants of Institute for Higher Islamic Education were conributed to the writing process. A great majority of religious course textbooks which approved by the Ministry of National Education were published by private publishing houses in multi party period. It has been seen very intensive writing process about ethics course textbooks between 1975-1977, after few years when the ethics course was decided to teach in schools in 1974. As far as we identify, at the level of primary 21 pieces, secondary 30 pieces and high school 12 pieces of textbooks (totally 63 textbooks) were approved and recommended to schools by the Ministry. A great majority of ethics course textbooks (primary 14, secondary 30, high school 11 textbooks) were prepared by two or more writers. Merely 8 ethics course textbooks (primary 7 and high school 1 textbook) were written by single writer. All of the secondary ethics course textbooks had two or more writers. Many of the ethics course textbooks which approved by the Ministry were printed by private publishing houses. It has been evaluated all together, in the context of religious and ethics courses totally 136 textbooks (73 of them related to religious cources, 63 of them related to ethics course) which approved by Ministry of National Education between 1924-1982 were identified and listed in the end of the study.
