Çanakkale Boğazı'nın Ege Denizi'ne açıldığı stratejik bir noktada yer alan Gökçeada, doğal limanları ve elverişli iklimiyle antik çağlardan beri çeşitli yerleşimleri sahne olmuştur. Son olarak 1470 yılında Osmanlı topraklarına katılan adada daha çok Rum yerleşimi söz konusudur. Osmanlı dönemindeki yeni yerleşimlerle birlikte meydana gelen artışa rağmen nüfusun etnik yapısında fazla bir değişiklik olmadığı, ancak İmparatorluğun son dönemlerinde Türk nüfusunun artmaya başladığı görülür. Genelde bir Rum yerleşimi olduğu kabul edilen adanın yaklaşık 450 yıl Osmanlı idaresinde kaldığı göz ardı edilmemelidir. Hâkim oldukları her yerde az veya çok çeşitli eserler ortaya koyan Türkler'in Gökçeada'da farklı bir tutum sergilemeleri beklenmez. Ne var ki, adadaki Türk eserlerine dair bugüne kadar yapılmış kapsamlı bir çalışma bulunmadığından bu konudaki bilgilerimiz sınırlıdır. Bu çalışmada, adadaki Türk kültür varlıklarının tespit edilerek belgelenmesi ve bunların tanıtılmasının yanında, ada üzerine yapılan araştırmalardaki amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda öncelikli olarak gerekli arşiv ve yüzey araştırmaları yapılmış, elde edilen veriler sonucunda tespit edilen eserler belirli bir metodolijik düzen içersinde ele alınarak çalışma tamamlanmıştır. bakımından önemlidirler. Bu nedenle, toplumların tapu senetleri niteliğindeki bu kültür varlıklarının korunarak gelecek kuşaklara aktarılması büyük önem arz etmektedir


Gökçeada, a strategic location positioned where the Dardanelles expands to the Aegean Sea, has witnessed several habitants since the archaic ages due to natural harbors and favorable climate conditions. The island jointed the Ottoman Empire in 1470 and majority of the population is Greek. It is clear that ethnicity of the population had not changed despite the population growth experienced during the Ottoman era as a result of new settlements but the Turkish population increased during the last years of the Empire. Although the Island is generally considered as a habitat for the Greeks, one should not forget that the Island was ruled by the Ottomans for nearly 450 years. The Turks built a few or several artifacts in any location they ruled and they had similar approach to Gökçeada. However, there is no literature about comprehensive studies examining Turkish artifacts on the Island. This study aims to determine, document and promote the Turkish cultural heritage on the island as well as filling the literature gap about studies focusing on the island. Accordingly, the study began with necessary archive and surface research; artifacts discovered as a result of data obtained were studied within a specific methodological system to complete the study. The research concluded that there is a mosque in Gökçeada as well as three launderettes and three gravestones. Some frame houses with oriel windows can be added to this list. Besides, there was a government office building mentioned on the archives but this building does not exist anymore. A launderette and two water fountains mentioned on the publications could not be traced. All these artifacts situated on the county center are from late periods and they do not have high aesthetic values. The mosque, one of the standing buildings, was built using roughhewn stone and rubble stone and the small building having hipped roof and rectangle, prism mass can be considered as a small neighborhood mosque. The minaret attached to the mosque afterwards is different since it was built of even cut stone but it is balanced, proportional to the mosque in terms of size. The mosque described herein, its construction materials and proportional size are harmony with the architectural texture of the region Launderettes where women gathered on specific days to do laundry are simple structures with rectangular plans. There are water fountains, washtubs, ovens and tall structures on the Iwan-style launderettes with a fully uncovered façade. The water fountains are the most striking element on these simple structures. Despite the rough craftsmanship and materials on the launderettes, the water fountains have more elaborate and sophisticated craftsmanship. Some furnace niches have arches. Turkish style residences on the island can be easily spotted among the stone Greek houses. The wood sections on the top floors and oriel windows are the most significant characteristics of those buildings. Besides, these resemble traditional Turkish houses with long halls inside the building, terrace and interior design elements such as closet, oven and shelves. Although it is told that these very few houses seen on the Greek villages of the Island were built by construction foremen coming from the Anatolian side, there is no solid proof of that. These might have spread based on relationships between the communities. It is striking that there is no sacred burial areas or cemeteries, but only three Turkish gravestones, at the centre of island where the Turkish people lived. There are no remains of the Turkish cemetery which was removed around the 1930s and located at the site of existing hospital, as told by the community. The gravestone found today at different locations should be from that cemetery mentioned. The very few Turkish artifacts discovered on the island are from late periods and the underlying reason might be the increased Turkish population on the island towards the last years of the Empire as a result of administrational organization on the island. Since the standing mosque and launderettes as well as the demolished government office building are all located on Çınarlı District and Turkish style houses with oriel window are common in this District, we can day that Çınarlı was the administrative centre during the Ottoman era and the Turks partaking in the administrative organization lived in this area. This somewhat Turkish District confirms that the Greeks were not the only people living on the island and both communities and cultures coexisted on the island. Nevertheless, the Turkish cultural heritage on the island, which was ruled by the Ottomans for a considerably long period of time, is strikingly low. Although one might explain this circumstances by asserting that the island was not considered to be important or some artifacts were destroyed, this does not change the ultimate fact. However, these very few standing structures are important since they verify Turkish cultural heritage on the island. Hence, it is crucial to preserve such cultural heritage, which can be seen as title deeds of communities, and to transfer them to the next generations.


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