Erken çocukluk döneminde çocukların daha iyi bir geleceğe sahip olması amacıyla erken çocukluk eğitiminde çeşitli erken müdahale programları uygulanmaktadır. Erken müdahale programları görünürde farklı amaçlara hizmet ediyor gibi algılansalarda özlerinde ortak olarak çocukların bütünsel gelişimlerini koruyarak ülkeyi toplumsal refaha eriştirmeyi amaçlamaktadırlar. Bu çalışmada erken çocukluk eğitimine yapılan yatırımların erken müdahale programları çerçevesinde sosyal, toplumsal, ekonomik ve siyasal açıdan önemleri alan yazın ışığında tartışılmaktadır. Erken çocukluk döneminde uygulanan nitelikli programlar sayesinde risk altındaki çocukların akranlarıyla benzer eğitimler alarak hayata geriden değil aynı çizgiden başlamaları sağlanmaktadır. Bu programlara dâhil olan risk altındaki çocuklar yetişkinlik çağına eriştiklerinde suça karışmayarak, iyi bir işe girerek ve yaşadıkları risklerden arınıp kendi çocuklarına daha iyi bir gelecek sağlayarak aldıkları nitelikli eğitimin çıktılarını topluma iade etmiş olurlar. Çocukların sosyal yönden güçlendirilmesi için yapılacak erken müdahale çalışmaları gelecekte de toplumsal düzenin korunması ve sosyal refahın sürdürülmesinde oldukça önemlidir. Bu makale ile erken çocukluk eğitimine yapılan yatırımlar erken müdahale programları çerçevesinde incelenmiş yok denecek kadar az yerli çalışmalara bir yenisini eklenmesi ve ilgililerin dikkatinin bu konuya çekilmesi amaçlanmaktadır. Sözü edilen erken müdahale hizmetlerinin kısa ve uzun dönemli çıktıları ve fayda/maliyet analizleri incelenmiştir. Ayrıca program etkilerinin çocuğun kendisinden yola çıkarak bulunduğu topluma kadar genişleyen halkalar bütününde hangi halkaya kadar yayıldığı üzerinde durulmuştur


A variety of early intervention programs is implemented in order to have a better future for pre-school children in early childhood education. While early intervention programs as detected apparently serve different purposes, they are intended to carry the essence of social welfare and preserve as partners in their children's holistic development in the country. In this study, in the framework of the early intervention programs are discussed in the light of literature in terms of community, social, economic and political importance of investment in early childhood education. At-risk children do not start from back life through to qualified early childhood programs which provided similar training by their peers. When at-risk children access the adulthood who involved in these programs, will have returned to the community the output of quality education by providing a better future to their kids entering good work and get rid of delinquency. Early intervention studies which will strengthen children socially are very important in the protecting social order and maintaining social welfare in the future. Investments in early childhood education are examined in the context of early intervention programs with this article added a new one to the domestic research and intended to withdraw the attention of related to this issue. These early intervention services for short and long-term outcomes and cost/benefit analysis were examined. In addition, the effect of program where is starting the ring from child to community has been focused on expanding the ring. Many countries implement early intervention programs that target at-risk preschool children from the social environment to take care of important educational issues. Unfortunately, most children participating in this program get into the school with fixed the problem behavior models and they join classes of teachers of misrepresented as equipped about deal with such behavior. However it has been reported that the area of preschool teachers feel not themselves ready is the management of problem behavior (Campbell, 1995; Stormont, Reinke & Herman, 2011). Whereas taking into account the number of children enrolled in early childhood education programs, there is a need to effective early intervention that can be applied in classroom activities to reduce children's chronic problem behaviors by teachers (Gross, et al., 2003). Through applied quality programs in early childhood, children at-risk are provided to start in the same line not back to life by taking similar training with their peers. Children at-risk who included these programs would have returned the output of qualified education to the community by entering a good job and purifying from risks, providing a better future and being involved in crime for their children when they reach the age of adulthood. However there is no an universal model that is valid in each condition to prevent the problem behavior. In accordance with knowledge about different intervention approaches of teachers whether basis of the principle of case by case these approaches are expected to use (Habacı, Tanrıkulu, Atıcı, Ürker & Adıgüzelli, 2013). It is obvious that it's a hard method to manage the children with pressure nowadays when especially advancing so fast in science and technology, interpreting the child's profile and changing the expectations of individuals. It is necessary to implement multilateral activities and participate the process by going to children's the world of thoughts and feelings in educational environments (Şahin & Arslan, 2014). In this context, living social skills and behavior patterns of exhibits deficiencies intervene in early children the opportunity to become socially competent individuals. Children who have the skills as simple as sharing, helping, cooperation and waiting for turn but as based regarded have a trouble understanding peers which tends them to use aggression, bullying, violent behavior. They are rejected by their peers as a result of these behaviors. However social competence and emotional literacy of children is expected to exhibit problem behavior be minimal. Academic failure came to permanent and leads to various problems in adulthood in case of intervention are not implement problem behaviors. In this direction early intervention studies to be made in strengthening children's social aspects is very important for the protecting social order and maintaining social welfare in the future. Countries should do the investments to high-quality early childhood programs through improving the quality of life of millions of children, reducing the crime rate, making them more productive future workforce and being strengthen the economy. By providing program services with gained final budget conveniences to poor children will provide funding to the country's most urgent part of the future needs (Lynch, 2004). In the case of high gains of qualified programs are going to keep in mind, available early childhood education programs should produce to support and improve (Bartik, 2013). The politicians who have authorities for decisions about investments in early intervention programs would like to see getting the outputs as tangible. Politicians decide easier by know the economy reflections of children and community's social, emotional and cognitive gains. Although the longterm benefits of investment in early intervention is important to know, the short term benefits of these investments to realize intent is encouraging more politicians. The reason for this is the person who will stand in power in the short term, may want to use these short-term benefits to come to power again at the other selection process.


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