Çokkültürlü bir toplum, her biri kendisine ait farklı anlam ve inanç sistemlerine, dünya ve insan anlayışlarına sahip birçok kişiden veya kültürel topluluktan oluşur. Boşinan, gelenek, görenek, töre, görgü kuralı, norm, yasa gibi olgu ve kurumlar etrafında birleşen fertlerin ortak bir ahlak ve davranış repertuarından beslenerek yine ortak bir inanca ve bilgiye sahip olmaları, kendileri dışında kalan kültürel oluşumlara karşı bir önyargı geliştirmelerine neden olur. Bu önyargının temelinde, "öteki"ni anlayamama ve bu nedenle onunla karşılaşıldığında içine düşülen şaşkınlık ve çaresizlik yatar. Kültürel değerlerin "ayrıştırıcı, "ötekileştirme", düşünüldüğünde tüm insanlığın başta tek bir bütün olduğunu ve yine insan eliyle geliştirilen ve birbirine tarih boyunca aktarılan kültür aracılığıyla parçalanıp ayrıştırıldığı düşüncesini gündeme getirir.


A multicultural society consist of many people or cultural community who have different meaning and faith systems and world and human understandings that belong to them. Individuals who gather around the facts and establishments such as superstition, custom, tradition, moral laws, norms, law have again the common faith and knowledge by feeding on a common composition of morals and behavior, so, they begin to have prejudices to the cultural constitutions apart from theirs. At the heart of this prejudice, it"s seen that a misunderstanding to ,,the other" and therefore an astonishment and a despair that come around when we meet it. ,,Marginalization" arise from ,,discriminator, demolitionist to integrity" feature of cultural values, when we think that these values are artefacts, it brings into quesiton of the idea that whole humanity has initially been in an integrity and then they has been broken into pieces and has been separated through the culture which is artefact and has been transferred to each other throughout history. Cultural values, which are the biggest obstacle to the multiculturalism, resist to the alteration beacause of being the transporters of continuity, integrity and meaningfulness. Therefore the cultural products, which resist to alteration and don"t feed on differences by rejecting ,,the other", not only play a disincentive role for the society but also create a cultural conflict environment. The first cultural conflict that happens when the differences come side by side, firstly evolves into a identity crisis and then into a cultural harmony,with personal renunciations/self denials are required by being a member of a modern community. In Şafak"s novels, sociologic steps of multiculturalism follow the same line also in context of psychological / mystical / fantastic / symbolic. Dissolving of both discrepancies/dichotomies, which are into the men"s mind in context of intercommunal, communal and intellectual, firstly evolving into ,,conflict" secondly into ,,staying in purgatory" and finally into ,,accordance", constitutes the basis of novels of Elif Şafak as the emphasizing way of multiculturalism


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