Sosyal bir varlık olan insan, toplum içinde yaşarken birtakım kurallar zinciriyle karşılaşır. Toplumun kimliğini belirleyen, bireyin toplumdaki ilişkilerini, yaşam biçimini düzenleyen bu kurallar, kişiler tarafından zamanla özümsenir ve genel davranış haline gelir. Geniş bir zaman diliminde içselleşen bu tutumlar halk kültüründe âdetleri oluşturur. Geleneksel kültüre sahip kentlerden olan Elazığ'da bu kuralların sıkı bir şekilde toplumda uygulandığı görülmektedir. Kültürün devamlılığını sağlayan bu davranışlar yörede doğum çevresinde de kendini göstermiş, zamana ve mekâna göre yeniden şekillenerek kültürün gelecek nesillere aktarılmasında köprü görevini üstlenmiştir. Geçiş dönemlerinin ilki olan doğum, geleneksel Türk kültüründe önemli ve sevindirici bir olay olarak kabul edilir. Doğum, soyun, ailenin nüfusunu ve nüfuzunu artırması, sağlamlaştırması nedeniyle Türk toplumu tarafından büyük önem verilen ve etrafında birçok ritüelin eşlik ettiği bir süreç olarak algılanır. Elazığ halk kültüründe, kadının saygınlığını, toplumdaki yerini bir aşama daha ileri atan doğumun çevresinde, geçmiş kültür ve yaşantıların etkisiyle birtakım âdetlerin ve inançların devamlılığına verilen önem, doğum kültürü etrafında şekillenir. Ailenin soyu yürütmesinden ve çocuğun ocağı tüttürmesinden dolayı doğum olayı, toplumca kutsal sayılarak aile olmanın temel prensibi olarak görülmüştür


Human who is a social existence experiences some chain of rules while living in the community. This rules which determining the identity of community and regulating relationship of the individual and life style is assimilated by people in time and they are become general behavior. Internalized to attitudes in large time zone consists of tradition in folk culture. It is strict seen practised rules in Elazığ which has folksy with culture. This manners which provide continuity of culture also show itself around birth and forming according to time and local take upon oneself as a bridge. Birth which is the first transition period is accepted an important and rejoicing event in traditional Turkish culture. Birth is perceived in the process that going with lots of ritual and regarding by Turkish society cause of increasing of the population and prestige of families and progeny. In Elazığ folk culture is seen practising several traditions and faiths with impacting past culture and experience around birth that advancing prestige of woman and local in the community. Given weight to endlessness of progeny in our customs are taken shape with birth culture. Birth event is seen as a basic principles of being familiy to be holly by society due to prosecuting of familiy and going through with home of child. We try to study three sections that are called prenatal, natal and post-natal traditons of birth around which is the first transition period, supplied an important term in Elazığ folk culture and reached to today format of this practices by the effect of various cultures associating with historical link and examples in compilation light Human who is a social existence experiences some chain of rules while living in the community. This rules which determining the identity of community and regulating relationship of the individual and life style is assimilated by people in time and they are become general behavior. Internalized to attitudes in large time zone consists of tradition in folk culture. It is strict seen practised rules in Elazığ which has folksy with culture. This manners which provide continuity of culture also show itself around birth and forming according to time and local take upon oneself as a bridge. Birth which is the first transition period is accepted an important and rejoicing event in traditional Turkish culture. Birth is perceived in the process that going with lots of ritual and regarding by Turkish society cause of increasing of the population and prestige of families and progeny. In Elazığ folk culture is seen practising several traditions and faiths with impacting past culture and experience around birth that advancing prestige of woman and local in the community. Given weight to endlessness of progeny in our customs are taken shape with birth culture. Birth event is seen as a basic principles of being familiy to be holly by society due to prosecuting of familiy and going through with home of child. We try to study three sections that are called prenatal, natal and post-natal traditons of birth around which is the first transition period, supplied an important term in Elazığ folk culture and reached to today format of this practices by the effect of various cultures associating with historical link and examples in compilation light. Birth which is qualified as an important event in traditional Turkish society is a basic process including the first transition period in order to family continuity and family existence. Birth process is a term which comprises lotf of social custom and tradition providing human race and bringing a new life. Transition periods which located human life an important event and conditions that inclusive duration of sharp lines are the stages. Any society has devoleped some practices while living this terms in time developing these practices are assinilated by society and brought to custom. While we see to preserve with past relation in many implementation that located in transtion periods the others we see to be formed according to time and local again in community dynamics. To be reshaped society of economical developments and with conditions of changing life is not possible to sunder from life of background. In Elazığ folk culture which keeping back elements of different culturel has been had culturel products that reflecting on material and moral values and bearing age’s impress and changing in time. The birth which It is called the first transiton period to be in motion from past to present has an significant footing. Also with progressing technology changing birth form incurs small rupture in custom, it still seems to not to hesitate applying to community customs and beliefs who saw and heard their ancestors. It has been rules which had better do well with observable several series of bans thas is based on faith to prevent some negative practices and to have good of baby and mother in prenatal and post natal. At the presen time in thih practices and faiths are possible to live same form or changed forms in different local. The birth which end of long and tough times for pregnant beginning of life for a new individual to be easy and healthy and to be overcome with this period without be damaged seems to make various of some treatments around Elazığ. Time of conseption cosisted of a significative and great deal of Elazığ birth culture includes lots of practices related methods of folk treating as a “vapour seating” and “ovum lifting. Besides, seen in vowing oblation and begging help from situated around the region shrine and visitings and made applications has attracted the attention using formulistic numbers as a 3 and 7 by mother candidate. A new term has started for mother and baby after birth. Folks take measures some precautions to prevent to be distubed several potencies cause of being unprotected to mother and baby in this term. The forty days post-natal are critical and tough process for mother and baby. They are the most important to take form baby’s beauty, sanity, habit. Elazığ people have improved some practices to protect to mother and baby ideally, supported with a religious treatments in this term and provide to occur a variety of customs. The first implementations are the most important for children. When the child teethe the first odontic, folks has made a food which made in wheat and chickpea, made practices constitute in point of spritual saturation. Applied behaviours While cutting baby’s first nail are attitudes which are not based on scientific to make their relaxed psychological. Also to be cut baby’s hair are shown different behaviours by sex. Christening in Turkish culture with originated from old customs has actualized with ceremony. It is the best evidence to see keeping alive this custom. Baby’s name is said baby’s ear to read the call to prayer as a need of faith with accepted of İslam. Christening event in Elazığ is seen to be peformed as a suitable sunnah not to accompanied ceremony. The birth in taditional Turkish family to seen as progeny continuity and supplementary of the family is a natural event to reshaped by the effect of a variety of culturel and beliefs in the flow of life still important from past to today. In our study, We fixed forming plenty of customs in prenatal which is characterized the first transition period. We determined to seek for folk healers and a variety of plant mix to having children and conception desires then again getting help a great individual located in region. We reached to be determined baby’s sex cause of mother’s eating and body and behaviour form and to required rules of pregnant, to be born healthy to not to touch anywhere in shrine ,keep off food such as strawberries, liver, head, meaning of the apple and quince among the people, perception of pregnant in society our compilation in line. We fixed in people’s significance to ease birth treatment whose benefiting from hot water and Maria plant to alleviate a painful time in birth order, people’s practices moment of birth, precautions to the survival of infants and growing up healthy to point to related umbilicus and baby’s future. We also met the importance of puerpera care post-natal to be fed local flavor “kuymak” sweet, boiled and pounded wheat, union to be milk. We reached popular beliefs in this context whose utilized from iron, needle, scissors and bread to protect and reduce of effects on mother and baby of evil forces as that locals are called alkarısı, forty coming over or forty interference during a vulnerabla times of mother and baby. We discovered to made a teeth hedic(food)when a baby pulled the first teeth, in the first cut hair to given gold weight of baby’s hair for boys to given silver weight of baby’s hair for girls, in the first cut nails to caused to draw uncle’s pocket to not to be a thief briefly effects on baby’s temperament and physical development of the first behaviours.It was seen to be maintained practising by locals around birth which is the first phase of life to developed lots of customs by setting from the past heritage all the vigor although technological and scientific developments
