Türkçe resmi yazı dili tarihinin fasılalara ayrılması söz konusudur. Dil tarihinin çeşitli dönemlerinde bir dil araçlarının yerini diğer dil araçlarının alması dilin yapısı ve yazı kurallarında değişikliklerin meydana gelmesinden dolayı dildeki gelişme süreçleri fasılalara ayrılarak incelenmelidir. Ayrıca, dil üslupları tarihinin de gelişme süreci içerisinde bazı değişikliklere uğraması doğaldır. Bu değişiklikler üslubun ifade kalıplarında, şekil ve yapısında görülür. Bu makalede Türkolojide ilk defa resmi üslup tarihinin gelişme fasılaları ve her fasılanın kendine özgü tarafları, özelliklerinin incelenmesine çalışılmış, Türk yazı dilinin tarihi gelişmesi, siyasi, sosyal, etnik, dini, ideolojik, kültürel süreçlerin etkisi hakkında söz edilmiş, Türkçe resmi üslubun meydana gelişi ve tarihi tekâmül yolunun genellikle, dört fasılaya ayrılarak incelenmesinin uygun olacağı kanaatine varılmıştır. Bunun da M.Ö. III yüzyıldan Milâdi VI yüzyıla kadar olan dönemi içeren Eski döneme ait fasıla, Milâdi VI-IX yüzyılları (Göktürk ve Uygur hakanlığı dönemi) kapsayan Türk hakanlıkları döneminden kalmış belgeler üslubu fasılası, IX - XIII yüzyıllarda (Karahanlılar dönemi, İdikut Koçu ve Gansu Uygur devleti döneminde) düzenlenmiş belgeler, XIII - XVI yüzyıllarda (Çağatay hanları, Altın Orda ve daha sonraki devletler, Timuriler devleti ve Osmanlı İmparatorluğu döneminde) düzenlenmiş belgeler olduğu belirtilmiştir. Makalede Timuroğulları döneminde ortaya çıkan resmi üslubun en eski Göktürk yazısıyla yazılmış bitikler, ayrıca, daha sonraki hakanlık ve devletler döneminde yürürlükte olan Türkçe resmi üslubun devamı olarak onu izlemekte olduğu; şekil ve yapısı, ifade yöntemleriyle onları tamamlamakta, mükemmellik kazandırmakta olduğu vurgulanmaktadır.


In this article, official writings are researched by dividing several periods. These periods include from the ancient period to the middle ages. It will be tried to open up improvement steps in the history of Turkic official method and the special edges of each step for the first time in Oriental studies in this article. Wecan divide the steps of emergence of Turkic official method and the way of its historical development. They are: The first stage of official method belongs to age of Ancient periods, The stage of documents’ method left from the period of The Turk Khanate, The stage of IX – XIII centuries’ documentation, The stage of documentation of XIII – XVI centuries. In the first stage – Historical documents, logbooks, words and ranks in the diplomatic letters that Hun sent to Chinese and through we can give an opinion about official method. We can see the best example of this period in the inscriptions of Bilge Khan and Kul Tigin’s gravestones and some vouchers that were written in Kuk Turks’ letters. The stage of official texts of The Kara-Khanid Khanate, which prolonged from the second half of X century to the end of XII century; Documentation of Kochu and Kansu Uygur’s states, which were ancient Uyghur’s states, near to documentation of Kara-Khanid’sAfter building the empire in the Middle East, The Ottoman emperors accepted the documentation methods, traditions of forming official texts, which were used in Central Asia and other Turkic states from the first years of state management to XVI century. The language, structure and method of the documents, which implemented in the first years of The Empire, have been proved that they were in old Uzbek language by researchers Stages of the language improvement are studied with dividing ages due to changes of language replacement means to one another, structure and measurement of language in various ages of language history. Hence, functional methods of the language can meet some changes during its improvement way. These changes emerge in forms of the pronunciation methods, appearance, measurement and vocabulary system. In the article it will be tried to open up improvement steps in the history of Turkic official method and the special edges of each step for the first time in Oriental studies. In the following, we can divide the steps of emergence of Turkic official method and the way of its historical development: The first stage of official method belongs to age of Ancient periods Historical documents were written in the age of Hun, have not been got until present days. However, we can conclude names of some documents, logbooks, words and ranks in the diplomatic letters that Hun sent to Chinese and through we can give an opinion about official method. For instance, at first the word of yarlïq was used in the meaning of “the khan’s letter, decree” in the chancellery of the Hun Empire. As well as the Huns used the word sözüm as the meaning “order, decree” that was unseparated component of status in the beginning of Khans’ vouchers. Instead of word sözüm was used sabïm in their documents. Official writings, which were gotten from the Huns in Chinese yearbooks in B.C. centuries, and vouchers that khans sent were like as status which coming at the beginning of vouchers that added to Kul Tigin and Bilge Khan’s inscriptions. Academic sources demonstrate that the Huns’ language does not differ greatly from Blue Turks’ writing. The stage of documents’ method left from the period of The Turk Khanate This period, as the second stage had special edges and appearance of development in the history of Turkic official method. Documentation of this stage can be divided into two stages which followed one another: 1) Documentation of the Kukturks (Kuk Turks) khanate (VI –VIII centuries) 2) Official texts of the Uyghur state’s period (VIII – IX centuries) Official writing method of the Blue Turks’ period kept the tradition of the Huns. It is impossible to put a border between them. However, official method of the Blue Turks’ period even did not repeat previous old appearance of The Huns’ method. The official method of this period, whenever, reached its peak. We can see the best example of this period in the inscriptions of Bilge Khan and KulTigin’s gravestones and some vouchers that were written in Blue Turks’ letters. The analysis of official writings demonstrates that documentation of that period was quite developed for that point of time. We can say that status and pieces of petition that were written in the introduction of Khans’ inscriptions grew quite a lot. Our research on the official writings of this period demonstrates that writing components were complete; they were put in a single system and their method developed. At that time törü was used as the meaning of “law and legality” and the term el tutsuqï was used “main law of the state (constitution)”. A sentence related to this term attracts us in the Blue Turks’ writings: Türk bodunuğ tärip äl tutsïqïŋïn bunta urtum – “I collected Turkic population and wrote constitution of the state here”. If it is based on these evidences, legality of Turkic peoples grew quite a lot in that period and they were collected in a certain order and also gravestones were used to deliver them to the people. The stage of IX – XIII centuries’ documentation This period includes two stages: 1) The stage of official texts of The Kara-Khanid Khanate, which prolonged from the second half of X century to the end of XII century;2) Documentation of Kochu and Kansu Uygur’s states, which were ancient Uyghur’s states, near to documentation of Kara-Khanid’s (IX – XIII centuries). After passing the management of the state to the ruler of KaraKhanids from second half of X century social and cultural life that declined some time began to improve and increase again. The new appearance of Turkic documentation began to seem from XI century. For instance, the word bitig was used as the meanings of “document, voucher, deed” in the vouchers of Kara-Khanid’s period. The use of Bitig in making names of documents in widen meaning was the fruit of chancellery of Kara-Khanids. Bitigči ruled the works of Divan in the Kara-Khanid Khanate. In this period bitigči had a special status in the society and it is proved by the materials in “KutadguBilig”. Documentation of ancient Uygur states – Kochu and Kansu was also special and included to the IX – XIII centuries. Our clansmen who lived in that time particularly stressed to document legal relationships. It is proved that their legal thought was quite high. Hence, there are many kinds of official texts, which were written the citizens’ privatelegal relationships. The stage of documentation of XIII – XVI centuries The documentation of this historical period includes 4 stages. They are: 1) The official writings method, which was left by the period of Chagatai Khans (XIII – XIV centuries); 2) The official texts stage of The Golden Horde and the following states (from the first half XIV to the second half of XVI centuries) 3) The documents method stage of The Timurid Dynasty (from the second half of the XIV to the second half of the XVI centuries) 4) The documentation method’s stage created at the beginning of The Ottoman Empire (from second half of the XV to XVI centuries) During the Chagatai khanate, the term yasa began to use as the main law collection. Likewise, the area of using this term widened. New type of document payza=bayza, which provided safety for ambassadors and heralds was produced. At the ministry of rulers implemented a new status - yazg`uchi who worked on complains of citizens. The practice of regulation in the Golden Horde and the following states – the Crimean Khanate and the Khanate of Kazan differentiated with continuation of official methods of Kara Khans and Chagatai Khanate in the history of Turkic official method. In the practice of regulation of the Timurid’s Dynasty, the tradition of forming official documents developed perfectly and a single measure of writing documents followed in each state under control of The Timurids. At the time of the Timurid Dynasty the term nišān practiced in life as the legal name of documents which meant “sign, stamp” in the method of ancient official writings and it had parallel meaning of term yarlїğ in the offices of Divan. Other documents of Timurids confirm this fact as well.In the practice of documentation period of using the term tüzük as the constitution of the state relates to the Timurid’s Dynasty. We can find the proof of this from the information in the rules of the greatest military genius and own of the state and the books, devoted to Timur and the Timurid’s Dynasty’s activities, of historians who lived in that period. After building the empire in the Middle East, The Ottoman emperors accepted the documentation methods, traditions of forming official texts, which were used in Central Asia and other Turkic states from the first years of state management to XVI century. The language, structure and method of the documents, which implemented in the first years of The Empire, have been proved that they were in old Uzbek language by researchers
