Hindistan dünyada en fazla ilgi çeken bölgelerden biridir. Bunun en büyük sebebi tropik iklimi, verimli tarım arazileri, uzun nehirleri ve ürün çeşitliliğini fazla oluşudur. Tarih boyunca insanlar yaşamaya elverişli ılıman iklime sahip su kenarlarını tercih etmişlerdir. Bundan dolayı da Hindistan coğrafyası çok eski medeniyetleri ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Sulak arazilerinin fazla olmasından dolayı bölgede hayvan çeşitliliği de fazladır. Asya fillerinin en yaygın yaşadıkları coğrafya olan Hindistan'da filler ortaçağ savaşlarında tank vazifesi görmüştür. Hindistan Türkleri çok eski çağlarda tanımıştır. Bölgede Sakalar, Kuşhanlar ve Akhunlar hüküm sürmüştür. Bu Hint diline de etki etmiştir. Türkçe Hint diline çok etkilemiştir. Bununla birlikte Türkçe Hindistan'da konuşulan yerel dillerden biridir. Osmanlı döneminde ise Türk-Hint ilişkileri olması gereken düzeyde yer almamıştır. Osmanlılar bölgeyi istila eden Portekizlilere karşı Hindistan'a donanma göndermiştir. Ancak istenen başarı elde edilememiştir. Hindistan zamanla İngiliz sömürgesi haline gelmiştir. Buna rağmen Hint Müslümanları Osmanlı Padişahlarını dini önderleri ve halifeleri olarak tanımıştır. Osmanlı'nın yaptığı Tarblusgarp, Balkan ve I. Dünya Savaşı'nda Osmanlı'yı maddi olarak desteklemiştir. Bu destek Kurtuluş Savaşı yıllarında da devam etmiştir. Bizzat Atatürk adına yüz binlerce lira para gönderilmiştir. Ancak Halifelik kaldırılınca buna büyük tepki göstermişler ve Türkiye'ye karşı ilgisiz davranmışlardır. İnönü döneminde ise ikili ilişkiler ticari düzeyde kalmıştır. Hindistan 1947'de bağımsızlığını kazandıktan sonra Türkiye'de büyükelçilik açmıştır


Introduction and Objectives of the study: The Turks nearly two centuries, interruptions, though they had lived there for India geography and intertwined with the state establishing Indian society. Therefore, these two societies is a very friendly and cordial relations took place in the process, after the England in 1850 despite the continued occupation of India. First World War during the Ottoman Empire, the German imperialism mounted on the rear and deceived the niteles are, the treaty will be made after the war against the Turks extended their support at the international level for a fair and there is an agreement that protects the rights of the Turks. However, after the sultanate and caliphate removed the republican period decreased interest in Turkey of Indian Muslims. Republican period due to lack of a major study on the Turkish-Indian relations during the İnönü in this study is the level at which the Turkey-India relations and the nature of the answer has been sought. Subject of Study Related Conceptual Framework: Thousands of years of history of Turkish-Indian relations, which is an issue that is very significant. There have been many studies on Ottoman-Indian Muslim relations. However, Turkey-India relations on the republican period only notable work written by Selcuk Duman "Atatürk Period Turkey-India Relations" was the article. Enlightening information about the period of Atatürk Turkey-India relations are given by this article. We decided to write an article with Turkey-India relations after Ataturk modeled this work. İnönü-India relations with Turkey during this study aimed to fill an important in the literature is discussed. Methods: This work constitutes the main source of the Prime Minister of the Republic of archive documents. The individual documents have been drawn from a general framework of the data obtained. Therefore study induction method is used. The article was not used in any data and statistics program. Results And Discussions: İnönü was purchased during the leather from India. Leather and shoe factory in 1942, depending on Sümerbank has brought 30 thousand to 25 thousand dry buffalo leather cow leather from India. To be purchased from a country where 30 thousand cowhide sacred cows is a very interesting detail. India gained independence in 1947, was appointed on May 2, 1948 Dewan Chaman Lall as ambassador to Ankara. In Turkey July 8, 1948 Ali Türkgeldi was appointed as ambassador to India. Thus was laid the foundations of diplomatic relations between the two countries. Conclusions and Recommendations: India multicultural, multi-religious and multi-lingual having structure and has a geography where different civilizations. One of the Arşiv Belgelerine Göre İnönü Döneminde Türkiye-Hindistan İlişkileri (1938-1950) 853 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/2 Winter 2015 most important contributions in the development of Indian civilization belongs to the Turks. Turkey Indian relations have a deep and long history that goes back thousands of years. This relationship has made great progress during the Ottoman period. Indian Muslims since after the Crimean War and worked to support the Ottoman Empire with all its possibilities. During the War of National Liberation in the Indian Muslims were leaving the Anatolian people alone. This period has been a significant amount of financial assistance from India. However, in 1924 the value of the caliphate was abolished by Turkey has once again commonplace for Indian Muslims. Ataturk era relations with Turkey by the British exploited India has developed to the extent permitted by the UK. İnönü relations with India, which is still a large part of the British colonial period to the floor of the important development. In this period, Turkey-India relations have remained in the commercial level. Turkey Inonu period, jute from India, canvas, and tea bags were imported. Because of the expensive tea produced in Rize is one of the saddest developments in this period, the import of cheaper Indian tea. This has been a blow to tea production in Rize. Turkish and Indian culture for thousands of years lived nested. Thus from each other very much impressed. These effects language has maintained its presence in the religion and culture until today. However, due to the influence of the distance and the years between Turkey and India, the two countries' cultural cooperation and development could not be achieved. İnönü period if the various attempts to provide for cultural development between India and Turkey is a very important development has not been achieved. The most important reason why India cannot be independent until 1947 and is directed by the British. This article is made with what the President İsmet İnönü in the 1938-1950 year period in Turkey-India relationship has been demonstrated with the first document that is experiencing.


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