Günümüz olayları bilimsel analizlere tabi tutulurken toplumsal yapının gerçekliği göz önünde tutulmalıdır. Türkiye gerek tarihten getirdiği sosyo - kültürel yapısı, gerekse de coğrafi olarak yer aldığı konumdan dolayı karmaşık bir yapıya sahiptir. Bu bağlamda, çalışmada Türk toplum yapısının son yarım yüz yıllık süresine sahne olan gerginliklere yol açan olaylar zincirini analiz etmek amaçlanmıştır. Bu noktada merkez-çevre yaklaşımını açıklayıcı bir model olarak kullanan Halil İnalcık, Ziya Gökalp, Orhan Türkdoğan ve Şerif Mardin'in eserleri incelenerek teorik temel 'Merkez-Çevre Modeli'ne dayandırılmıştır. Öncelikle ilgili düşünürlerin Türk toplumsal yapısını merkez-çevre modeli ile açıklayan eserleri "metin analizi" tekniği ile incelenmiş ve tespitleri ortaya konmuştur. Sonrasında ilgili düşünürlerin sorunların çözümüne yönelik çözüm önerileri belirtilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, düşünürler tarafından paylaşılan husus Osmanlı İmparatorluğu'ndan günümüze, Türk toplum yapısının derinlerinde yatan 'yöneten-yönetilen' ikiliğine dayanan Osmanlı bürokratik düşünüş felsefesinin hala yaşamasıdır. Bu ayrım, Türk toplum yapısında halkaydın ikiliğine, kültür ve kimlik sorununa, ötekileştirmeye, eğitimde, gelir dağılımında eşitsizliğe temel teşkil etmiştir. Çalışmanın çözüm önerileri kısmında bütünleşmiş bir ekonomik sistem, demokrasi, kentleşme, kaliteli eğitim olanaklarının toplumun geniş kesimlerince ulaşılabilir olması, eşitliğin sağlanması İnalcık, Mardin ve Türkdoğan tarafından birleştirici ve bütünleştirici unsurlar olarak ortaya konmuştur. Ayrıca halkı ile bütünleşmiş milli ve evrensel değerlere sahip 'Aydın' tipi de Gökalp, Mardin ve Türkdoğan tarafından kilit olarak görülmüştür


Introduction and purpose of the the study: Todays events are subjected to scientific analysis, structural features of the society should be considered. Today the dualisms observed in the Turkish society reflect at many areas such as education, justice, living forms, democracy understanding...etc. Turkey's efforts to enter the Western civilization took a long time for two centuries, and even how long to take is unclear. Thus the proposals made in the name of modernization and practices haven't constituted any objective response to Turkey's problems. Within this context, in this study it is aimed to analyze chain of events which leads to tension at the scene of the last half-hundred period of Turkish society. Present study is aimed to describe dualisms observed in the Turkish society within the frame of ‘Center-Periphery Model’ and solutions are aimed to the solution of the problems. For this purpose, Ziya Gökalp, Halil İnalcık, Şerif Mardin and Orhan Türkdoğan's works which describe the Turkish community structure with the frame of ‘Centre-Periphery Model’ in terms of managing in Turkey-managed relationship have been analysed. The subject of this study is to introduce the problems observed in the Turkish society and solutions of the problems determined by Ziya Gökalp, Halil İnalcık, Şerif Mardin and Orhan Türkdoğan's works which describe the Turkish community structure with the theory of ‘CentrePeriphery Model’ in terms of manages-managed relationship. Conceptual / theoretical framework: ‘Center-Periphery Model’ has been used as a theoretical model to explain and evaluate the chain of events that lead to cultural cleavage witnessing the last half hundred year period and tension in Turkish society. As the theoretical framework of the study is based on ‘CenterPeriphery Model’ and especially 'elite theory' has been considered eligible to describe dualisms observed in Turkish society, the elite theory and conflict theory was emphasized. Related researches, commented to the problems they had observed according to ‘Center-Periphery Model’ in terms of managing-managed relationship, had used a holistic approach by building association between past and present. Therefore, the views of the researches have been handled with the determinations for Ottoman society. Methodology: As the study is a theoretical study, literature review was conducted in this context. As a first Ziya Gökalp, Halil İnalcık, Şerif Mardin and Orhan Türkdoğan’s works which describe the Turkish community structure with the theory of ‘Centre-Periphery Model’ were  This article is derived from the master's thesis named ''Analysıs Of Researches In Turkish Society Which Center&Periphery Model Has Been Used In Terms Of Managing-Managed Relations”. Merkez-Çevre Perspektifinde Türk Toplum Yapısında Gözlemlenen Problem… 681 Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/2 Winter 2015 analyzed in the text analysis tecniques and determinations were introduced. After than researches's solutions are aimed to the solution of the problem. The present study has been restricted Ziya Gökalp, Orhan Türkdoğan, Halil İnalcık and Şerif Mardin's views on this matter. Other views and explanations of the researchers on the other problematic areas of Turkish society haven't been included in the study. Results and discussion: According to Shill's theory all values, symbols and beliefs approved and applied by master authority position represent central values system; another vital area that is outside those central values system and possesses different life style, symbols and belief systems represents 'periphery'. Like the frame of Shill's ‘CenterPeriphery Model’, interpreting problems observed in the Turkish society in terms of managing-managed relations require a holistic approach from Ottoman Empire to present. When examining the Ottoman Empire, dualisms in its society are consistent with the Shill's ‘Center-Periphery Model’. In the Ottoman Empire, state authority was over-centralized and concentrated in the hands of the state elites. On the one hand there were state officials that religious and executive powers are given by sultan's, court group and ruling class formed with 'ulema'; on the other hand there was managed class 'reaye (drove)'. In the Ottoman Empire lack of strong economic groups, absence and weakness of autonomous mediator social structures have gained a high level of autonomy to the state. State could change class relations easily with a decison due to lack of strong associations against it. The structure of Ottoman Empire bureaucracy was very strong and established according to that time conditions. The heritage of Ottoman Empire to the Republic of Turkish was 'that' has been emphazised commonly by the Ziya Gökalp, Halil İnalcık, Şerif Mardin and Orhan Türkdoğan. As a result, the issue shared by researchers is that from Ottoman Empire to present, Ottoman bureaucratic thinking philosophy in terms of manages-managed relationship lying deep in Turkish Society is still alive. The dualites that cause problems in the structure of Turkish society have been public- intellectuals duality for Ziya Gökalp and Orhan Türkdoğan; alienation, culture and identity problems for Halil İnalcık (Anatolian Islamic culture); Integration problem in Turkish politics for Şerif Mardin; dual social structure for Orhan Türkdoğan. Moreover squatting, injustice in income distribution, wealthiness-poverty culture have been interpreted in the framework of center and periphery relations by Orhan Türkdoğan. As a solution, as introduced by Shills' theory as the key elements for the integration of society, an integrated economic system, democracy, urbanization, being accessible to the opportunities of high-quality education by a large section of society, ensuring equality have been introduced as unifying and integrating elements by İnalcık, Mardin and Türkdoğan. Unlike Shill, intellectuals type having national and universal values and unifed with its society have been seen the key element to understand periphery in solving problems by Gökalp, Mardin and Türkdoğan Consequently, the social structure of Turkey is based on managingmanaged duality which is having its origin from Ottoman Empire. Ottoman bureaucratic thinking philosophy, based on managing- 682 Şebnem MORSÜMBÜL Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/2 Winter 2015 managed dualism and lying deep in Turkish society, is still alive from ottoman empire to present. This dualism has been the bases to publicintellectuals duality, culture and identity problems, othering, inequality of income distribution and education. An integrated economic system, democracy, urbanization, being accessible to the opportunities of highquality education by a large section of society, ensuring equality have been introduced as unifying and integrating elements by İnalcık, Mardin and Türkdoğan. Also Intellectuals type having national and universal values and unifed with its society have been seen the key element by Gökalp, Mardin and Türkdoğan


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