Tarih, geçmişte yaşamış insan topluluklarının siyasi, sosyal, ekonomik ve kültürel faaliyetlerini yer ve zaman göstererek, sebep-sonuç ilişkisi içerisinde, belgelere dayanarak ve objektif olarak inceleyen sosyal bir bilim dalıdır. Locke'a göre eğitimin amacı, toplumun mutluluğunu ve refah düzeyini arttıracak insanlar yetiştirmektir. Bu görevi de taşıyarak tarih öğretiminin amaçları arasında ahlaki ilkelere sahip, milli bir şuur oluşturacak, kültürel aktarımı sağlayacak, geleceğe emin adımlarla ilerleyebilecek bireyler yetiştirmektir. Bu amaçları gerçekleştirebilmek


History is a social science discipline that objectively examines the political, social, economic and cultural activities of past human communities in a causal relationship by indicating place and time and is based on documents. Locke states that the aim of the education is to educate people who will increase the happiness and well-being of the community. In addition to this task, the aim of history teaching is to educate individuals who have moral principles, will form a national consciousness, provide cultural transfer, and can take firm steps forward. In order to achieve these goals and to provide an effective learning environment for history lessons, new approaches must be used in accordance with the content of the topics. In this study, prospective teachers’ opinions on new approaches to history teaching were taken. Prospective teachers in the history section of the formation program at Mustafa Kemal University in the 2015-2016 academic year form the sample of the research in order to examine the opinions of the prospective teachers regarding the new approaches. In the study, the general survey model, which is one of the descriptive survey methods, and mixed method was used. The results of the study show that new approaches to history teaching do not change depending on the gender of the prospective teachers, the prospective teachers did not receive sufficient training on the new approaches in history teaching and they did not find themselves qualified. Considering the arithmetic mean of the high-grade responses given to the questionnaire items by the prospective teachers, it can be stated that the percentage of views and thoughts on the such topics as visual education is important in history teaching, they are open to new approaches, history teaching should be evaluated in line with the principles of new approaches, and skills to be acquired in history teaching should be improved are high


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  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem