Demir, birçok toplumda hem kullanım alanlarıyla hem de kazandığı kutsiyet özellikleriyle çok önemlidir. Türk toplumunda da demir kült olarak kabul edilmiş ve toplum içerisinde bilinen dört unsur (toprak, su, ateş, hava) demirin eklenmesi ile beşli unsur (toprak, su, ateş, hava, demir) şeklinde telakki edilmiştir. Oluşum süreci hakkında farklı fikirlerin olduğu demir genel olarak toprak içerisinde oluşması ve gökten inmesi ile iki ana başlıkta incelenmiştir. Kur'an'da da 7 farklı sure ve ayette geçen demir hakkında en fazla bilgi Hadid suresinde yer almaktadır. Türkçe demir anlamına gelen surenin 25. ayetinde demirin nasıl oluştuğuna dair bilgiler verilmektedir. Bu derece önemli demir metali, sosyal alanda kullanımının yanında halk hekimliğinde de kullanılmaktadır. Çalışmada Şaman ve ocaklı arasındaki ortak bağlar maddeler halinde belirtilmiştir. Bu maddeler göstermiştir ki ocaklı ve şaman dediğimiz kişiler aynı yuvadan beslenmiş iki önemli mesleğin mensuplarıdır. Şamanların günümüzdeki devamı niteliğinde olan kişiler şu anki sağaltma uygulamalarında demiri asıl tedavi unsuru olarak kullanmışlardır. Bu çalışmada halk hekimliği uygulamalarında demirin kullanımı ve beş ilde (Adana, Denizli, Elazığ, Kütahya, Mersin) tespit ettiğimiz yedi tane ocak (albastı, diş muskası, kumru, mankafa, nazar, sarılık, yılancık) içerisinde demirin sağaltımdaki yeri ve önemi üzerinde detaylı şekilde durulacaktır. Bu başlığın yanı sıra demirin Kur'an-ı Kerim'de ve efsane, destan gibi türlerde de kullanımlarının olduğu belirtilerek bazı tespitler yapılacaktır


Iron is so important for lots of societies in terms of both usage areas and holiness features ıt has got. Iron was also accepted as cult and the four elements which were known within the societies (earthwater-fire-air) were considered as five elements with adding iron (earthwater-fire-air-iron). Iron, which there are different ideas about it’s formation process, was generally studied under two main titles about being formed within the earth and descending from the sky. About iron, which is also mentioned in seven different suras and versicles in Kuran, the most efficient sura is the one which is named Hadid. Such an important iron metal is being used in folk medicine besides it’s usage in the social area. The comman grounds were astipulated in this study between shaman and ‘ocaklı’. These articles indicated that these two people who we named as ‘ocaklı’ and shaman are the members of two important professions which were fedded from the same hearth. People who are being today’s follow-up of shamans used iron as the main cure element in the current heal applications. It will be dwelled upon in depth the usage of ıron in the folk medicine applications and the place and the importance of iron in heal in 7 seedbeds (albastı, diş muskası, kumru, mankafa, nazar, sarılık, yılancık)which we located in 5 cities (Adana, Denizli, Elazığ, Kütahya, Mersin). Same determinations will be made, indicating that there are usages of iron in Kur’an-ı Kerim and also in the types such as legend and epic besides this title Iron is so important for lots of societies in terms of both usage areas and holiness features ıt has got. Iron is present in every corner of life through history whether in the social life or in the military concern or with believing to have extraordinary powers. Iron Age is the latest one among the material ages chronologically. So, the lost mythology of the iron age is still alive in customs, tabooes, traditions and generally in supersitions. Iron represents not only the victory throgh civilization but also the superiority through war. Iron was also accepted as cult in Turkish sociaty and the four elements which were known within the societies (earth-water-fire-air) were considered as five elements with adding iron (earth-water-fire-air-iron). Iron, which there are different ideas about it’s formation process, was generally studied under two main titles about being formed within the earth and descending from the sky. About iron, which is also mentioned in seven different suras and versicles in Kur-an, the most efficient sura is the one which is named Hadid. Iron is either already present in the earth or it is descended from the sky, there is an absolute thing that iron is an element which is sacralized. Moreover the holliness of the iron brings holiness to the ironmonger who process it. So, there are many common points between shaman and ironmonger. The common grounds were astipulated in this study between shaman and ‘ocaklı’. These common points are the shaman’s using of fire, transferring the profession from father to son through kindredship both in shamanism and ironworking, irons being holly at the same degree for both the shaman and ironman, the usage of iron in the rites and the illness treatments both in shamanism and ironworking, accepting the iron as protecting element both for shaman and ironmonger and being thought to be protected of shaman and ironmonger by special spirits. These articles indicated that these two people who we named as ‘ocaklı’ and shaman are the members of two important professions which were fedded from the same hearth. People who are being today’s follow-up of shamans used iron as the main cure element in the current heal applications. Such as important element, iron is used also in folk medicine beside it’s usage in social area. Iron is an important material which is often prefered especially by the people from association in the applications of folk medicine. This preference sometimes is been in contact and sometimes also been in psychic quality. It will be dwelled upon in depth the usage of ıron in the folk medicine applications and the place and the importance of iron in heal in seven seedbeds (albastı, diş muskası, kumru, mankafa, nazar, sarılık, yılancık)which we located in 5 cities (Adana, Denizli, Elazığ, Kütahya, Mersin). Keeping objects such as knife, scissors, crochet needle, needle during the postpatum period in the women’s bedrooms at most of the places in Anatolia now is originated from the belief about protection of iron against the evil spirits. It is persued a goal of becoming strong of a decayed tooth with driving a nail which is made from iron to a high place in ‘Diş Muskasi Ocagi’. In the treatment which is applicated in the ‘Mankafa Ocagi’, iron element is came to the fore. On this association, an iron pan is heaten on the fire by spitting to the pan, it is got near to the diseased people and the disease is treated in this way. Putting the nail and an iron piece beside the lead element in a pan in the cure known as ‘casting lead’ in the ‘Nazar Ocagi’ is rooted from the belief on the holiness and rhe healing property of iron. In the treatment administered in the ‘Sarilik Ocagi’, a crocket needle, made from iron, is heated on the fire and passed from arm-pits and prineum and the treatment is accomplished in this way. In spite of performing different applications in the ‘Yilancik Ocagi’ the common metarials are the objects made from iron such as knife, scissors and axe. In addition to all of them, there is also the application of giving metal money to people from the associations which is mentioned above. The man who wants to be protected from the illness, absolutely gives metal money to the person feom the association at the end of the treatment. Rhis money, which is also named as ‘pureness/weightiness’ is given by two reasons. The first one is the bringing down of the swielling in the body of a person from the association by the metal money and the second reason is being the iron holly for the Turks and the condition of not coming the evil spirits to the area where iron presents. Besides being used commonly in many phases of life, iron is an element which also finds itself a place in the literary works. We are coming across the knowledge about the usage and the importance of the iron element in the epics, legends and the mythological texts. It will be also told about the importance of iron element especially in the ‘Ergenekon Epic’ in our study and it will be put emphasized on the iron element in the word of Ergenekon’s formation. Likewise, it will be given informations about the parts which ae told about iron in Menas and Sahname epics. Under the title of iron in the epics, there are examples about the form of taking part of iron in the Hittite and Persia epics. Iron is an element which finds itself a place also in mythology. A mythological narration which belongs to Basintoy who is accepted as the ancestor of the ironmongers in this aspect, was found. In Turk Mythology, the belief of being also made from iron of the strong poles which sustain the earth is taking part and it is also came across to this knowledge in Divan-I Lugat-it Turk. In this study, the alternative medicine methods which are applicated in the situations that modern medicine cannot find a way and the iron element which is one of the materials, used in these methods, will be dealed. Moreover, the study is significant in terms of tellig about the assosiations which we are qualifying also as alternative medicine and the treatment methods which are applicated by them. Among the associations which are mentioned in the study, the metarialthat we will accept as the comman element is iron


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  • Duran Ölmez, 58 yaşında, Lise Mezunu, Sarıçam/Adana
  • Emine Serbes, 47 yaşında, İlkokul Mezunu, Yüreğir/Adana
  • Fatma Eyiler, 55 yaşında, İlkokul Mezunu, Sarayköy/Denizli
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  • Nurten Oral, 23 yaşında, Üniversite Mezunu, Seyhan/Adana
  • Sabiha Yavuz, 63 yaşında, Okuma-yazma yok, Altıntaş/Kütahya