0,05). Sonuç olarak genelde bakıldığında ana dili Kürtçe olan öğrencilerin Türkçe yazma becerisine yönelik tutumlarında ana dili Türkçe olanlara göre bir olumsuzlukları olmadığı rahatlıkla söylenebilir Maternal language education aims to develop four main linguistic skills. And it has an important place in the process of socializing and individualization. But reading and writing, which are accepted as fundamental qualities of a modern society, are considered as more advanced of the language skills. While other skills are innate, reading and writing are developed later. Reading and writing skills, and particularly writing skill, are more difficult skills to develop, and thus, the attitude towards writing is more negative when compared to other skills. For this reason, exercises to develop writing skill are important necessities of native language teaching. On the other hand, the existence of peoples whose native languages are different in the country, is an important reality, which must be taken into consideration in terms of native language teaching. The realization of the obstructions standing against the good teaching of Turkish (which is a unifying element for the peoples whose native languages are different) to the children whose native languages are different is important in getting rid of the obstructions. From this perspective, together with other native languages, the attitudes of students whose native language is Kurdish is a problem to be searched. This kind of studies can contribute the scientific studies to understand the conditions of the students whose native language is not Turkish but learning Turkish and developing Turkish language skills. On this ground, this study aims to compare the attitudes for Turkish writing exercises of the 4th class students whose native language is Turkish and those whose native language is Kurdish. The screening model has been used in research. The target population of the study are the 4th grade students from villages and center of Ağrı/Tutak and from schools chosen randomly in Burdur. The study sample is constituted from 200 students consist of 133 students whose native language is Turkish and 67 students whose native language is Kurdish. Random selection of sample has been used in sample selection. The public survey which is taken from the site www.region15.org/file/3465/download have been used to specify the attitudes of students towards writing. First the survey has been translated in Turkish, then it has been read by the students from all classes to specify the incoherent expressions, and then it has taken its last form. The survey-alpha reliability coefficient of which is 82,4 consists of 15 articles, 5 point of them is Likert scale. After taken out the missing data, data of 200 survey picked up from students has been entered to SPSS and statistical analyses have been done according to 200 surveys. Meaningfulness state of results of surveys has been evaluated according to level p<0,05. Percentage and frequency amounts have been used for the opinions of students to the survey of the writing attitude. Kay-Square analysis has been done for the connection between the mother tongue and the writing attitudes. While analyzed the percentages between the native language and writing attitudes, it is observed that there is a meaningful connection between the native language and the articles “I like drawing” “thinking what I will write makes me sad” “I wish I had much time to write in school”( p<0,05). While In the articles “I like drawing” and “I wish I had much time to write in school”, there is a meaningful difference on behalf of the students whose native language is Kurdish, in the article “thinking what I will write makes me sad” has a meaningful difference on behalf of the students whose native language is Turkish. Consequently, these 3 articles at once show that the writing attitudes of the students whose mother tongue is Kurdish is more positive. There is not a meaningful relation between the native language of students and the articles “I like writing stories” “writing is boring” “I like writing in my spare times” “I like writing letters to people” “I like writing in school” “I like writing at home” “I like reading” “I think I am a good writer” “I like writing” “i like sharing my writing to the others” “writing is joyful” (p>0,05) As a consequence, it can be said that there is not a negative attitude in the students whose mother tongue is Kurdish while compared to the ones whose mother tongue is Turkish"> [PDF] ANADİLİ TÜRKÇE VE KÜRTÇE OLAN 4. SINIF ÖĞRENCİLERİNİN YAZMAYA KARŞI TUTUMLARININ KARŞILAŞTIRILMASI | [PDF] COMPARISON OF WRITING ATTITUDES OF 4TH GRADE STUDENTS WHO SPEAK TURKISH AND KURDISH AS NATIVE LANGUAGE 0,05). Sonuç olarak genelde bakıldığında ana dili Kürtçe olan öğrencilerin Türkçe yazma becerisine yönelik tutumlarında ana dili Türkçe olanlara göre bir olumsuzlukları olmadığı rahatlıkla söylenebilir"> 0,05). Sonuç olarak genelde bakıldığında ana dili Kürtçe olan öğrencilerin Türkçe yazma becerisine yönelik tutumlarında ana dili Türkçe olanlara göre bir olumsuzlukları olmadığı rahatlıkla söylenebilir Maternal language education aims to develop four main linguistic skills. And it has an important place in the process of socializing and individualization. But reading and writing, which are accepted as fundamental qualities of a modern society, are considered as more advanced of the language skills. While other skills are innate, reading and writing are developed later. Reading and writing skills, and particularly writing skill, are more difficult skills to develop, and thus, the attitude towards writing is more negative when compared to other skills. For this reason, exercises to develop writing skill are important necessities of native language teaching. On the other hand, the existence of peoples whose native languages are different in the country, is an important reality, which must be taken into consideration in terms of native language teaching. The realization of the obstructions standing against the good teaching of Turkish (which is a unifying element for the peoples whose native languages are different) to the children whose native languages are different is important in getting rid of the obstructions. From this perspective, together with other native languages, the attitudes of students whose native language is Kurdish is a problem to be searched. This kind of studies can contribute the scientific studies to understand the conditions of the students whose native language is not Turkish but learning Turkish and developing Turkish language skills. On this ground, this study aims to compare the attitudes for Turkish writing exercises of the 4th class students whose native language is Turkish and those whose native language is Kurdish. The screening model has been used in research. The target population of the study are the 4th grade students from villages and center of Ağrı/Tutak and from schools chosen randomly in Burdur. The study sample is constituted from 200 students consist of 133 students whose native language is Turkish and 67 students whose native language is Kurdish. Random selection of sample has been used in sample selection. The public survey which is taken from the site www.region15.org/file/3465/download have been used to specify the attitudes of students towards writing. First the survey has been translated in Turkish, then it has been read by the students from all classes to specify the incoherent expressions, and then it has taken its last form. The survey-alpha reliability coefficient of which is 82,4 consists of 15 articles, 5 point of them is Likert scale. After taken out the missing data, data of 200 survey picked up from students has been entered to SPSS and statistical analyses have been done according to 200 surveys. Meaningfulness state of results of surveys has been evaluated according to level p<0,05. Percentage and frequency amounts have been used for the opinions of students to the survey of the writing attitude. Kay-Square analysis has been done for the connection between the mother tongue and the writing attitudes. While analyzed the percentages between the native language and writing attitudes, it is observed that there is a meaningful connection between the native language and the articles “I like drawing” “thinking what I will write makes me sad” “I wish I had much time to write in school”( p<0,05). While In the articles “I like drawing” and “I wish I had much time to write in school”, there is a meaningful difference on behalf of the students whose native language is Kurdish, in the article “thinking what I will write makes me sad” has a meaningful difference on behalf of the students whose native language is Turkish. Consequently, these 3 articles at once show that the writing attitudes of the students whose mother tongue is Kurdish is more positive. There is not a meaningful relation between the native language of students and the articles “I like writing stories” “writing is boring” “I like writing in my spare times” “I like writing letters to people” “I like writing in school” “I like writing at home” “I like reading” “I think I am a good writer” “I like writing” “i like sharing my writing to the others” “writing is joyful” (p>0,05) As a consequence, it can be said that there is not a negative attitude in the students whose mother tongue is Kurdish while compared to the ones whose mother tongue is Turkish">


Ana dili eğitimi dört temel dil becerisinin geliştirilmesini amaçlamaktadır. Bu, bireyin hem bireyselleşme hem de sosyalleşme sürecinde önemli bir paya sahiptir. Ancak çağdaş bir toplum olmanın başat niteliklerinden kabul edilen okuma ve yazma ana dili eğitiminin diğer iki becerisine göre daha ileri sayılan becerileridir. Diğer beceriler doğuştan gelirken okuma ve yazma sonradan geliştirilir. Okuma ve yazma özellikle de yazma, daha ağır geliştirilen bir beceri olarak karşımıza çıkar. Bunun sonucu olarak öğrencilerin yazmaya yönelik tutumu diğer becerilere göre daha olumsuzdur. Bu nedenle yazmayla ilgili çalışmalar ana dili öğretiminde önemli gereksinimlerden biridir. Öte yandan ülkemizde ana dilleri farklı olan toplulukların varlığı ana dili öğretimi açısından göz önünde bulundurulması zorunlu bir gerçekliktir. Ülkemizdeki ana dili farklı olan toplulukları birleştirici bir unsur olarak Türkçe'nin ana dili farklı olan çocuklara da sağlıklı bir şekilde öğretilmesi önündeki engellerin tanınması, bunları aşmaya yönelik önlemlerin alınması açısından önemli bir gereksinimdir. Bu açıdan başkaca ana dillerin yanı sıra ana dili Kürtçe olan öğrencilerin yazmaya yönelik tutumları araştırılmaya gereksinim duyulan bir konudur. Bu türden araştırmalar ana dili Türkçe olmayan çocukların Türkçeyi öğrenme ve Türkçe dil becerilerini geliştirme sürecinde bulundukları durumu daha bilimsel boyutta ele almamıza katkı sağlayabilir. İşte bu gerekçelerle bu araştırmada anadili Türkçe ve anadili Kürtçe olan 4. sınıf öğrencilerinin Türkçe yazma çalışmalarına yönelik tutumlarının karşılaştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla; "Anadili Türkçe ve anadili Kürtçe olan 4. sınıf öğrencilerin yazmaya yönelik tutumları arasında anlamlı bir fark var mıdır?" alt problemine yanıt aranmıştır. Araştırmada tarama modeli kullanılmıştır. Çalışma evrenini Ağrı İli Tutak ilçesi merkez ve köy ilköğretim okullarındaki 4. sınıf öğrencileri ve Burdur ilinde rasgele seçilmiş bir ilköğretim okulundaki 4. sınıf öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma örneklemini ise, anadili Türkçe olan 133 öğrenci ve anadili Kürtçe olan 67 öğrenci olmak üzere toplam 200 öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Örneklem seçiminde tesadüfi örneklem seçimi kullanılmıştır. Öğrencilerin yazma tutumlarını belirlemek için çalışmada www.region15.org/file/3465/downloadtutumu belirleme anketi" uzman görüşlerinden yararlanılarak kullanılmıştır. Öncelikle maddeler Türkçeye çevrilmiş, değişik sınıflara devam düzeltilmesini takiben son şeklini almıştır. Alpha güvenirlik katsayısı 82,4 olan anket 15 maddeden oluşmakta olup 5'li Likert tipindedir. Eksik olan veriler çıkarıldıktan sonra öğrencilerden toplanan 200 anketin verisi SPSS ortamına girilmiş ve 200 veri üzerinde istatistiksel analiz yapılmıştır. Analiz sonuçlarının anlamlılık durumları p


Maternal language education aims to develop four main linguistic skills. And it has an important place in the process of socializing and individualization. But reading and writing, which are accepted as fundamental qualities of a modern society, are considered as more advanced of the language skills. While other skills are innate, reading and writing are developed later. Reading and writing skills, and particularly writing skill, are more difficult skills to develop, and thus, the attitude towards writing is more negative when compared to other skills. For this reason, exercises to develop writing skill are important necessities of native language teaching. On the other hand, the existence of peoples whose native languages are different in the country, is an important reality, which must be taken into consideration in terms of native language teaching. The realization of the obstructions standing against the good teaching of Turkish (which is a unifying element for the peoples whose native languages are different) to the children whose native languages are different is important in getting rid of the obstructions. From this perspective, together with other native languages, the attitudes of students whose native language is Kurdish is a problem to be searched. This kind of studies can contribute the scientific studies to understand the conditions of the students whose native language is not Turkish but learning Turkish and developing Turkish language skills. On this ground, this study aims to compare the attitudes for Turkish writing exercises of the 4th class students whose native language is Turkish and those whose native language is Kurdish. The screening model has been used in research. The target population of the study are the 4th grade students from villages and center of Ağrı/Tutak and from schools chosen randomly in Burdur. The study sample is constituted from 200 students consist of 133 students whose native language is Turkish and 67 students whose native language is Kurdish. Random selection of sample has been used in sample selection. The public survey which is taken from the site www.region15.org/file/3465/download have been used to specify the attitudes of students towards writing. First the survey has been translated in Turkish, then it has been read by the students from all classes to specify the incoherent expressions, and then it has taken its last form. The survey-alpha reliability coefficient of which is 82,4 consists of 15 articles, 5 point of them is Likert scale. After taken out the missing data, data of 200 survey picked up from students has been entered to SPSS and statistical analyses have been done according to 200 surveys. Meaningfulness state of results of surveys has been evaluated according to level p
