umhuriyetin ilanı ile birlikte, Tanzimat dönemiyle başlayan değişim hareketleri farklı bir boyutta sürdürülmeye devam eder. Islahat çalışmalarının yerini inkılaplar alır ve köklü değişiklikler yapılır. Siyaset, eğitim, hukuk, sanat, dil gibi geniş bir alana yayılan bu değişikliklerle hedeflenen ise yeni bir devlet ve toplum kimliğidir. Elbette ki bu süreç kolay ilerlemez ve birtakım engellerle karşılaşılır. Özellikle de cumhuriyetin ilanından 1970’li yıllara kadar bu sancılı süreç devam eder. Adalet Ağaoğlu’nun Ölmeye Yatmak1adlı romanı da bu yıllar arasında doğan ve yaşayan bir neslin gelişimini ele alır. Dönem, kurgusal bir anlatı türü olan romanla anlatılıyor olsa da yazar, roman karakterlerinin gelişimini ve dramatik aksiyonu sosyal, siyasal ve ekonomik şartlardan bağımsız olarak ilerletmez. Böylece roman sadece yeni bir neslin değil aynı zamanda da cumhuriyetin gelişim sürecini de vermiş olur.Biz de tüm bunları göz önünde bulundurarak eserde, cumhuriyetin kimliğini ve bu kimliğin, toplumun kimliğiyle nasıl ve ne koşullarda çatıştığını tespit etmeye çalıştık. Çalışmamızda özellikle de cumhuriyetin laik kimliği ile halkın gelenekçi, dindar kimliğinin çok defa karşı karşıya geldiğini gördük. Devletin seçmiş olduğu ile halkın değerlerinin uyumsuz olması da çatışma ortamı yaratan bir diğer unsur olarak romanın satır aralarından okunur. Yeni bir nesil geleneksel kültür öğeleriyle de iç içe yaşamak zorundadır ve okulda kazandıklarıyla evde verilenler arasında seçim yapmak zorunda kalır.Türkiye’de uzun yıllardır bir zihinsel değişim süreci yaşanmış olsa da bu değişim şimdiye kadar tamamıyla gerçekleşmemiştir. Çünkü hem eskinin yerine konulması düşünülen şeyler topluma yabancıdır hem de değiştirme sürecindeki uygulamalar hatalıdır. Bugün herkesin kabul ettiği gibi Türkiye’de ki batılılaşma çabaları yanlış şekillerde ilerlemiştir. Çoğu zaman yüzeysel, şekilsel ve taklit seviyesini aşamamıştır. Haliyle istenilen zihinsel değişim gerçekleşmemiştir. Bunların sonucunda da toplum da iki farklı kimlik oluşmuş, iki farklı yaşam biçimi görülmüştür. İstanbul, Ankara gibi büyük şehirlerde batılılaşma, modernleşme süreçleri hızlı geçilirken, köy kasaba gibi yerlerde bu hareketler kolayca ilerleyememiştir. Köy, kasaba gibi yerlerin fiziksel yapıları, demografik özellikleri, çevreyle olanbağlantıları ve eğitim düzeyi gibi sebepler, bu hareketlerin karşılıksız kalmasına sebep olmuştur.


Starting with the Tanzimat period, along with the Republic's ad exchange movements were a different size continues. The intermittent studies where the revolution and made drastic changes. Politics, education, law, art, language, such a vast area of this change is targeted by a new State and community identification. Of course, this point is easy to process and eliminate some obstacles encountered. Especially the proclamation until the 1970 's, this painful process continues. Adalet Ağaoğlu's novel Ölmeye Yatmak this year are the development of a generation born and living in between takes. Describes a fictional narrative of the period, although the author, novel, a novel by, which is a type of character development and dramatic action of social, political, and economic conditions do not improve, regardless. Thus, the novel is not only a new generation while at the same time giving the Republic's development process. We do all this in consideration, the Republic's identity and this identity, conflict in the society's identity, tried to ascertain how and to what conditions. In this study, especially with the Republic's secular identity, the identity of the people facing religious traditionalist, many times I have seen it coming. The State with which it is incompatible with the values of the people picked to be a conflict environment as other elements of the novel are read between the lines. With elements of traditional culture in a new generation of nested must live and they provided the House with winnings at school is forced to choose between. Turkey has for many years been a mental process of change, though this change completely so far has not taken place. Because both the old thought to be putting things in place of the community is in the process of changing both foreign applications is incorrect. Today everyone accepts as Westernization in Turkey's efforts have progressed in the wrong ways. Often superficial, formal simulate has stages and the level. Naturally, the desired mental change did not occur. As a result, this community also formed two different identities, was seen in two different way of life. In big cities like Istanbul, Ankara, westernization, modernization processes fast when, village town in places such as these movements could not easily go. The village, like the town of physical structures, demographic characteristics, such as level of education, which links with the environment and causes of these movements caused the bounce. The difference between the human and the city government employees to fix the human village, all ideological works to resolve this difference by using their devices. As mentioned above, public houses, village institutes are created for these institutions, such as the target. 334 Burak ÇAVUŞ Turkish Studies International Periodical For the Languages, Literature and History of Turkish or Turkic Volume 10/4 Winter 2015 But again, the expected change is largely unprecedented. Because a set of beliefs that have settled into the mind still lives in people's minds. Especially with people of middle age, they are the Group standing against change. That's why, as with people who think differently in a country, there are people who think differently in the same House. We brought the Republic grew up with trained in front of people, proper training, there are people who have lived in the Empire. for this reason, it is an identity conflict has emerged. Adalet Agaoglu is one such period in the fictional plane where and how these identities when moving çatıştıklarını reflected, too. Of course we can't say them made on purpose, but the contrasts have emerged, albeit unknowingly and we can see in the results when she had them. Indeed, the novel başkişisi Aysel, exactly halfway between new and old mentality, as a result of the imposition of them drifting in suicide is a character. Old state new State ID with ID in your own life would survive with death for having to show. In the same manner as other characters in the novel are also similar situations in light of themselves. Aysel Indeed, the characters of the novel went through this crisis period people lived as being strongly unlikely. Because on the one hand built by the State in everyday life when there is some other traditions, beliefs and values still lives in his head. Old identity private spaces, while an attempt is made to be kept alive in public places a new identity. This dilemma, of course, only to the first years of the Republic has not been seen in this period only. Many later in the novel, the story is a combination of the new ID with the old identity forced to live there are fictional characters. This fictional character is also an absolute reality of the pointed out. Turkey is a social reality of this situation not only art, but also reflected the politics of culture. Even today, some of the parties we can see traces of the old mentality in the discourse. Still, even today, in the same way major cities such as İstanbul, Ankara, İzmir culture of Anatolia and Eastern Anatolia, we can observe the differences in mentality between the cultures. All these are from Adalet Ağaoğlu, a novel Ölmeye Yatmak in Turkey, we can tell you the reality of emphasis. This emphasis while entering the life elements of the community together with the Republic was frequently use, novel, reflect a clear identity of the Republic has prepared environment


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