Türk Sanayisi, İkinci Dünya Savaşı süresince izlenen müdahaleci yaklaşımlar, yeterli sermaye ve teknolojik yeterlilik ve sanayileşmenin ihtiyaç duyduğu gerekli altyapının yeterli düzeyde oluşturulamaması gibi sebeplerin yanı sıra, savunma giderlerine ayrılan bütçenin de artması neticesinde duraklama dönemine girmiştir. Savaş sonrası dönemde kurulan yeni dünya düzenine yabancı kalmak istemeyen CHP iktidarı, IMF, IBRD, OEEC gibi uluslararası ekonomik işbirliklerine katılarak Türkiye ekonomisini yeni bir döneme sürüklemiştir. Bu dönemde sanayileşmede iç unsurlar kadar dış unsurlarda etkili olmuştur. Demokrat Parti iktidarı, sanayi politikaları gereği, liberalizm ve devletçiliği bir arada sürdürerek uzun yıllar boyunca devlet politikası olarak görülen yerli sermayenin güçlendirilerek milli burjuvazinin oluşturulmasını amaçlamıştır. Bu amaçla öncelikle özel teşebbüsün ön planda olduğu politikalar gütmüş aynı zamanda özel sektörün yetersiz kaldığı alanlarda gerekli yatırımları yaparak sanayileşme de oluşan boşluğun devlet tarafından doldurulmasına yönelik sanayi politikaları gütmüştür. Bu nedenle " Liberal ağırlıklı Karma Ekonomi Modeli" benimsenmiştir


The Turkish industry has entered a period of stagnation as a result of increasing interventionist approaches during the Second World War, insufficient capital and technological competence, and the lack of adequate infrastructure needed by the industrialists, as well as the budget for defense expenditures. The CHP government, which does not want to be foreign to the new world order established in post-war period, has taken a new turn to the Turkish economy by participating in international economic cooperation such as IMF, IBRD, OEEC. In this period, external elements are influential as much as domestic elements in the industrialization process. The Democratic Party aimed to build the national bourgeoisie by strengthening the domestic capital, which was regarded as state policy for many years by maintaining the power, industrial policy, liberalism and stateism together. For this purpose, firstly, industrial policies directed to fill the gap of industrialization by making necessary investments in the areas where the private enterprise was inadequate while at the same time pursuing the policies that the private enterprise was the forefront. For this reason, "Liberal-weighted Mixed Economy Model" has been adopted. This study examines the effects of the foreign aids and the foreign reports on the industrial policies followed by the Democratic Party, which has come into power in consequence of the post-Second World War political conjuncture. In this context, it has been tried to show how the fundamental principles adopted by the Democratic Party government in the industrialization policies are influenced by such reports The Turkish industry has entered a period of stagnation as a result of increasing interventionist approaches during the Second World War, insufficient capital and technological competence, and the lack of adequate infrastructure needed by the industrialists, as well as the budget for defense expenditures. The CHP government, which does not want to be foreign to the new world order established in post-war period, has taken a new turn to the Turkish economy by participating in international economic cooperation such as IMF, IBRD, OEEC. In this period, industrialization was as influential as external elements as domestic elements. The Democratic Party aimed to build the national bourgeoisie by strengthening the domestic capital, which was regarded as state policy for many years by maintaining the power, industrial policy, liberalism and stateism together. For this purpose, firstly the policies of the private enterprise were the policies of the front, while at the same time the industrial policies directed the filling of the gap of industrialization by the state by making the necessary investments in the areas where the private sector was insufficient. For this reason, "Liberalweighted Mixed Economy Model" has been adopted. After the Second World War, Marshall aid, which had a significant place in terms of the Turkish Economy, started to be procured during the CHP period and was also predicted as an important source of investment in the DP. It was unexpected for the US to blindly distribute Marshall aid. The fact that some experts are sent to Turkey to prepare various reports in order to be able to determine the amount of aid to be made, how to help and where to spend it is a sign that they are linking aid to certain conditions and that they are following a global plan. From here it is aimed that the economic development that will take place in Europe and Turkey will be realized under US control. As a matter of fact, the Bretton Woods agreement, which was signed under the pretext of eliminating the international payment system problems that emerged after the war, has given incredible prestige and economic power to the USA by being indexed to the gold prices of the dollar and determining international exchange rates (Alkin, 2010: p.76-77). This step has opened the way for the US dollar to be a global currency. In short, the steps taken by the United States in the name of political and economic cooperation seem to be voluntary and sacrificial, but they are in fact worried about taking control of the European countries against the Soviet and increasing their share in global trade. Various reports have been prepared by foreign experts on foreign aid to be made and they are required to be submitted to Turkish authorities for implementation. These reports are imposed on Turkey to receive foreign aid by the IMF and the World Bank. During the period 1950-1960 three important reports on the subject were prepared. These are; Hilts, Barker and Thornburg reports. According to the IMF and the World Bank, thanks to these reports, Turkey will directly serve the development of Europe and the European Economy, which will include Turkey, will experience a total development. However, the role of Turkey in this development is, as we have already mentioned, anticipating the industrialization of European countries in a way to meet the need for agricultural products. The DP government, while addressing the relevant reports, carefully studied and applied some of it, but studied it by passing some of it. The issues that Menderes applies are the support of the private sector and the development of the agricultural sector. Liberalism has been the main theme of the DP Party program and care has been taken to ensure that the envisaged industrialization policies are encompassed in the private sector as well. Necessary steps have been taken in agricultural production, and the land plow has generally been left as a tractor. Although the reports are found in these recommendations, this transition is a necessary transition. Measures were taken to increase agricultural production. DP, on the one hand, made plans for the development of the National Industry by the private sector and the state. On the other hand, it centralized the capital of the nation and encouraged the people to establish joint stock companies. Thus, the establishment of new industrial plants in cement, sugar, textiles, textile, chemical and mining sectors has been ensured. On the other hand, it has laid the foundations for the industrialization steps to be taken in the next years by making infrastructures related to energy, transportation, transportation and raw material production. DP faced the imposition of industrial policies in line with development strategies to be put in place by the World Bank, acting as an institution of the United States and the United States, while at the same time receiving US aid. Menderes' policies contrary to these reports have been caused by the corruption between the World Bank and the government after the second half of his rule. At the beginning of the DP's most criticized topics, foreign capital is introduced into the country, and as we mentioned earlier, signatures on many issues such as IMF, World Bank, Marshall aids were taken during the CHP period. Therefore, the investments that the country could not realize with its own hands were made by foreign capital. The main criticism is the liberalization of imports and the outflow of control that DP has realized that this error was late, but it ended up with a negative situation that would shake the National Economy like the 1958 memorandum. After all this, unlike the researchers claiming DP industrialization based on these development reports, we are of the opinion that industrialization activities such as transportation, transportation and energy are the period in which infrastructure services such as energy, transportation, transportation and energy are made, even if Democratic Party Power is wrong. It is expressed as the "Second Liberal Period" or the "Neo-Liberal Period" since the industrial policies of the ruling party of the Democratic Party were the period of liberalism followed by the liberalization policies followed by the statism policies applied for many years after 1923-1929. In this respect, it is perceived that the statism politics is a period of suspension. However, the period of Democratic Party rule is expressed as Neo-Liberal period.


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  • E- Kaynaklar
  • http://www.tulomsas.com.tr/tulomsas-kurumsal/2/ Erişim Tarihi:20/05/2017.
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)-Cover
  • ISSN: 1308-2140
  • Yayın Aralığı: Yılda 4 Sayı
  • Başlangıç: 2006
  • Yayıncı: Mehmet Dursun Erdem