A new species of Cymbocarpum (Apiaceae) from the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey and its phylogenetic position within Tordylieae

A new species of Cymbocarpum (Apiaceae) from the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey and its phylogenetic position within Tordylieae

A new species,Cymbocarpum alinihatii , is described from the Central Anatolia Region of Turkey. Diagnostic and morphologicalcharacteristics that distinguish it from allied speciesC. anethoides ,C. wiedemannii ,C. amanum ,C. erythraeum , andC. marginatumandan identification key for allCymbocarpumspecies are provided. To assess its phylogenetic placement, a maximum parsimony analysisof nrDNA ITS sequences from representative members of tribe Tordylieae was carried out. It shows that the new species nests withina well-supported clade comprising members ofCymbocarpumwith strong bootstrap value, but it is distinguished from its most closelyrelated species,C. anethoidesandC. wiedemannii . In terms of stem and leaf hairiness, leaf type, and mericarp shape,C. alinihatiidiffersfromC. anethoidesby having sparsely to densely scabrid hairy stem and leaf (not glabrous), sometimes having ternate leaves and ovatemericarp shape (not elliptic to oblong). The distribution areas of these two species are also isolated in the high mountains occupyinglarge areas of eastern Turkey. The new species clearly differs fromC. wiedemanniiby having 4 8 cm (not 20 40 cm) high stem, ca. 1 1.5cm leaf lamina (not 3 cm), 1 2 cm petiole (not 5 cm), 2 4 mm ultimate leaf segments (not 5 mm), umbel with generally 4 7 (not 10 20)rays, and hairy 2.9 3.2 mm (not 4 5 mm) long mericarps. Based on characters of morphology, and concordant with the molecularphylogenetic results, we recognize the new species as belonging to the genusCymbocarpum.


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