Yas Ölçeği: Geçerlik ve Güvenirlik Çalışması

Bu çalisma, Yas Ölçegi 'nin geçerlik ve güvenirligini incelemek üzere yapilmistir. Çalisma 2000-2003 tarihleri arasinda birinci derecede yakinini kaybetmis üniversite düzeyindeki ögrenci gruplarindan elde edilen veriler üzerinde gerçeklestirilmistir. Yas Ölçegi 35 maddelik besli Likert tipi bir ölçektir. Ölçegin iç tutarliligini saptamak amaciyla hesaplanan Cronbach alfa katsayisi .96'dir. Testin tekrari yöntemi ile elde edilen güvenirlik kat sayisi .84 olarak bulunmustur. Beck Umutsuzluk Ölçegi ile yapilan benzer ölçekler geçerligi'in incelenmesinde iki ölçegin toplam puanlari arasinda bulunan iliski katsayisi r= .80'dir. Yapi geçerli amaciyla yapilan faktör analizi sonucunda dört faktör elde edilmistir. Bunlar yas karsisinda gösterilen fiziksel, bilissel, davranissal ve duygusal tepkilerdir. Elde edilen bulgular, ölçegin geçerli ve güvenilir bir ölçek oldugunu göstermektedir.
Anahtar Kelimeler:


The Mouming Scale: Studies on the Validity and Reliability

This study, has be en conducted to examine the validity and reliability analysis of Mouming Scale. Data-we obtained from the adolescents aged between 18-24 and lost their dose relatives in the years between 2000-2003. Mouming Scale which was devised by researcher consist in 35 items Likert-type scale format. The Cronbach alpha coefficient is .96. Stability coefficient is .84. The Beck Hopelessness Scale has been used to obtain homogenous scale validity (r= .80). The result of factor analysis showed instrument four factors which are physiological, cognitive, behavioral and emotional responds towards mouming. This findings indicate that the mouming scale is reliable and valid.



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  • Turkish Psychological Counseling and Guidance lanma S UMMARY
  • Mouming is an individual psycho—biological respond occurring when the beloved are lost. Mourning is a kind of ad- aptation and development process which is formed inside the individual to outside loses. As one of the indispensable fact of live, the loss of the beloved affects individual in a different way. The pattern of this effect is dependent upon the relationship be— tween the individual and lost loved one. The individuals who lose their Şrst close relatives usually have various psychological problems. Therefore, they need psychological help.
  • The aim of this research is the development of a reli- able and validity measurement instrument to determine the re- sponse levels displayed by persons who face loved ones lost. METHODS
  • I became an unsociable person’), In conclusion, the results of
  • this study provide evidence for continued development of the
  • Mourning Scale as a psychometrically sound measure of avail—
  • able mourning in lose.
  • Following the loss, post-traumatic stress disorder is detected, especially arising from external factors. Post—traumat— ic disorders have four characteristic, such as re experiencing the trauma, the outcome of the repetitive behaviors, the formation of trauma based fears, the change in the attitude and behavior,
  • ‘Ondokuz Mayıs Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Eğitim Bilimleri Bölümü — Kurupelit—Samsun towards life itself. Taking all these characteristic in order to Şnd out from which of these the individual is affected most a mourn- ing scale can be used. Besides that, girls and boys can be given a separate group therapy. Taking cognitive-behavioral therapy as the basis, the feelings of anxiety and helplessness can be con- trolled. Moreover, they can be helped to raise their self worth.
  • Yazar Notu: Verilerin toplanmasında yardımcı olan lisans
  • öğrencilerim Şafak UZUN ve Adnan DEMİRCİ ile Yüksek
  • Lisans öğrencim Eray DEMİRDİŞ’e teşekkür ederim.